Dave Sayer Shares “A Good Luck Charm From Out Of The Blue”

When the weather is cold and snowy as it has been in much of the country, I think about being on a beach somewhere warm and sunny – and I think of an experience I had some years ago.
Yours truly, Dave Sayer of the Prize Patrol, was taking a morning yoga class on the beach. The instructor started the class by saying, “Lie down. Relax. Breathe deeply. Feel the sunshine and gentle breezes. Listen to the birds.”
I was dutifully following her instructions when, “SPLATTT!!!” A sea gull flying overhead deemed my open left eye a good target.
“ARGHHHH!” I yelled, alarming all my relaxed classmates who sat up and burst into sympathetic laughter when they saw my soiled face and T shirt.
A woman right behind me exclaimed, “Oh, that’s a sign of good luck!”
“Well, good luck to all of you!” I snorted as I marched away to clean up.
But sure enough, in the blink of an eye so to speak, it turned out to be a good luck day despite the bad start! I found out I was getting a check from the Internal Revenue Service that I had not expected. I felt like I had just won the Big Check from Publishers Clearing House – which, alas, I’m not eligible to win since I’ve been employed by “the grand-daddy of sweepstakes” since 1981!
But I’ll bet YOU are eligible – to enter and WIN! And WIN BIG!
My wish for you is that The Bluebird of Happiness or some other sign of good luck will appear for you. And my advice to you is to keep your eyes on the prize!
Maybe today is the day to get in on all the fun and excitement of entering to win PCH’s incredible lineup of prizes — big and small, cash and merchandise and gift cards. A simple visit to pch.com will get you started, where you’ll find chances to “Play and Win” every day! Enter now for a chance to win an incredible $7,000.00 A Week For Life on April 28th!
You’ll also find tabs at the top of the page for other fun and exciting ways to win. Be sure to check out PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto, PCHFrontpage and PCHGames to get in on all the action!
Why not enter every way you can, every day you can? Wishing you the best of luck!
Dave Sayer Prize Patrol Ambassador
P.S. What’s YOUR good luck charm? Comment below and let us know!
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