Happy Labor Day to one and all!

I’m sure none of you are strangers to working hard. And I’m also sure that, no matter what your profession, it’s always refreshing to take a breath, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. I hope each and every one of you gets to do just that today!
There’s no better day than today to talk about the value of hard work. And we all know it can pay off big when it comes to entering the PCH Sweepstakes! So, for added inspiration on this Motivational Monday, let’s start off by examining the first part of the famous quote you see above by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Without ambition one starts nothing.” In my mind, this means that you’ve got to start with the idea to win. And you’ve got to believe that you CAN win! This idea and belief can be rooted in a strong desire to make a better life for yourself and family. It’s what fuels one’s drive and determination, and it should never be missing from that equation for success!
The next line, “Without work one finishes nothing”, is also very true. To achieve a goal, you’ve got to go through the necessary steps, right? It’s best to take it one step at a time and one day at a time. You’ve got to be willing and able to put in the time and work to achieve anything.
When it comes to entering to win the PCH Sweepstakes, you don’t even have to think of it as “work” really. We make it super fun and exciting to try your hand at games at PCHgames, and play scratch-off cards at PCHlotto, even search like you normally would at PCHSearch&Win , and get chances to win some pretty incredible prizes!
The last thought I’ll leave you with on this Motivational Monday is: “The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” Now, I have to admit that this was quite a happy coincidence to find a motivational quote with the words “prize” and “win” in it! But you get the gist. Many of our past PCH Sweepstakes winners tell us that they felt their prayers were answered when the Prize Patrol showed up at their door, and that whatever time and effort they put into getting their entries in had finally paid off.
I hope you’ve found some inspiration today to help you believe that hard work really does pay off in the end. All I can tell you is that you’ve got to keep the faith, hold onto the belief that you can win and stick with it! You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Jane M.
PCH Creative