It’s National Consumer Protection Week! Watch Our New Video!

Last Updated: June 1, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends,

This week we are celebrating National Consumer Protection Week– a nationwide campaign that encourages consumers like you to take full advantage of your consumer rights and make better-informed decisions.

Protecting consumers is something we take very seriously at Publishers Clearing House – and we’d like to take this opportunity to educate all of you on how to protect yourselves from scammers pretending to be from PCH. In fact, PCH has its own Consumer Affairs department staffed by dedicated Consumer Affairs professionals like Margaret C., our Director of Consumer Affairs, whose job it is to “watch your back.”

Margaret, along with someone you all know well – Prize Patrol Elite member Danielle Lam – are pleased to share with you a brand new video on fraud protection.

Here it is: We hope you find it helpful!


As Danielle and Margaret explained in the video, we are doing everything we can to help keep our fans safe from scammers. Some of you may already have been contacted by someone pretending to be from PCH or from the Prize Patrol. These impostors take the names of individuals they see in PCH mailings … in PCH emails … or even on PCH’s company website – names like Todd Sloane or Deborah Holland – to deceive consumers and fans.

As you saw in the video, it isn’t just the PCH name that gets hijacked; scammers pretend to be from other well-recognized entities, like the Better Business Bureau, the Attorneys General and even Homeland Security!

Scammers will use any means available to reach their intended targets – including telephone, mail, email, Instagram and Twitter. Scammers will even send fake “friend requests” on Facebook, using the names of actual PCHers – that’s something that the real PCH never, ever does!

These clever scammers will even tell consumers or fans they’ve won a prize, and then ask for payment of some sort – such as wiring them money … sending a fake check and then telling them to cash it and send a portion back … or purchasing a money-pak card, loading it with money, and providing them with the number on the back of the card. However the scammers do it, it’s a ploy to get decent, hardworking folks like you to part with your precious money!

 The Real Deal about PCH is this:


We hope our fraud protection video helps everyone stay safe and protected. If you believe you have received a suspicious letter, phone call, Facebook post, or email from a scammer claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House, please report it immediately using our Scam Incident Report.

Happy Consumer Protection Week – and we mean that, because at PCH, we always want our consumers … our fans … and our friends to be happy and safe!

Debbie K.

PCH Creative

P.S. Have you ever been scammed? What advice would you give your fellow blog readers on how to stay safe? Comment below!

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