January Month In Winning At PCHPlay&Win!

Greetings, fans and friends!
Winter is here in all its frigid glory! As I am writing this blog, the temperature outside is 5 degrees, with a “real feel” temperature of -11 degrees! Even our fans and friends in the South are feeling the chill!
But there’s one thing that’s totally HOT here at PCH – and that’s the fact that PCH Play&Win prizewinners racked up amazing prizes during this month!
You betcha – many PCH fans played at our PCHPlay&Win sites and racked up tokens for a chance to win incredible prizes in January! We’re so happy to see that many PCH fans had a blast over at PCHlotto, PCHkeno and PCHfrontpage. PCH fans ALSO entered tournaments, entered to win on the PCHApp (Android) for a shot to win in January… and many of them found that playing DID pay off when they took home prizes! I’ll bet that winning a PCH prize gave them the warm fuzzies!
So, in keeping with the PCH tradition of posting of our “Month in Winning” winners, here’s our “hot list” for January:
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Wow! That list warms my heart, knowing that so many of you are in it to win it! And if you’re not yet on our list of PCH Play & Win prize winners, don’t stop cold when it comes to playing our fun, free games … don’t freeze up in despair thinking that you may never win … and don’t let me hear you say that there’s a snowball’s chance in you-know-what that you could become a winner (if you get my drift).
Remember, fans and friends, PCH awards prizes month after month at Play&Win, and next month, your name could be on the PCH prizewinners’ list!
Don’t give up, keep playing at PCHPlay&Win, earn those tokens and redeem them at the PCH Redemption Center … and your name could be on February’s list of PCH prize winners! Good luck to all!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. What are 5 of the best things our “Forever” Prize winners have done? Come back to the blog this afternoon and find out!