Last Day to Enter for the $1,000,000.00 Life Is Rich Prize!

It’s that time again … PCHLotto is awarding the Big Bucks, and that means someone will win $1 Million! And today, May 20th, is the last day to enter to win this amazing prize!
That’s right, the clock is ticking away and there are only hours left for you to head over to PCH Lotto and play your Life Is Rich card. Don’t delay … because that $1 Million Is Guaranteed to be Awarded, and we don’t want you to miss out!
As sure as the sun rises every morning … as sure as the flowers bloom in Spring … and as sure as there are apples in apple pie, 0n May 24, one lucky Lotto player will open their door to find our Prize Patrol with a “Big Check” from PCHlotto, and they’ll become $1 MILLION RICHER!
The $1 Million Life Is Rich Prize Will Definitely Be Awarded!
Publishers Clearing House is guaranteed to deliver this life-changing prize this Friday! We are determined to have a winner – and everyone who enters has an equal opportunity to win BIG. So there’s every reason to be in it to win it!
But enough of my gabbing! Make sure your card is played by the entry deadline – which is 11:59 PM TONIGHT!
Then don’t forget to visit the PCH Blog on May 24th, when we go behind the scenes with the Prize Patrol as they award this incredible PCH prize (and remember to follow the clues on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, too!).
Again, today is the last day to enter for the $1,000,000.00 Life Is Rich Prize! Are you ready to become our next millionaire?
Best of luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Come back to the blog this afternoon because we have not one, but TWO great posts for you – all about the NEW PCH Awards Token Exchange AND how the PCH Sweeps is indeed one of the contests that changed the world.