Motivational Monday: We Are What We Believe We Are

Last Updated: February 7, 2019

It’s a brand-new start to a new work week and another Motivational Monday here at PCH. Are you ready to be inspired? And are you ready to imagine more exciting possibilities for you and your loved ones for a better tomorrow?

Let’s start with some wise words from C.S. Lewis, the author of over 30 books, best known for writing The Chronicles of Narnia. He said, “We Are What We Believe We Are.”  So how would these wise words apply to those of you who are in it to win it? Let me break it down. It think it brings us to a Motivational Monday discussion about our own self-worth and how important it is to build it up and keep it positive as we live each day.

In other words, our BELIEFS are who we are and we become what we believe. So, if you think positively about yourself, you will come to believe in yourself and what you are capable of. Make sense? Embrace who you are, change what you can, and learn to believe in yourself.

It’s up to YOU to become your own biggest fan!

When you receive some praise about a job well done or a compliment about the way you look, this builds your self-esteem and helps you to believe in yourself. But in the end, it’s up to us and us alone to build and maintain our own positive self-image. And that goes a long way toward improving our outlook on life. To that end, looking forward to a bright future becomes so much easier when you’ve got a positive frame of mind!

Stay focused on the positive!

I couldn’t think of a more positive thing to focus on than winning a HUGE amount of money! And that’s just what’s right on the horizon at PCH – the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” prize that is GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED just weeks from now on February 28th. Why not put your best foot forward and make it a personal goal to enter, enter, enter for a chance to CHANGE YOUR LIFE with $5,000.00 weekly payments for the rest of your life and after that, for the life of someone you get to choose! Enter every chance you get, and you could become our next Big Winner and get to leave a legacy for someone you designate!

That’s right. If “We are what we believe we are” then why not believe in yourself, stay positive and keep a winning attitude! Who knows, you could be the one answering that knock on the door from the Prize Patrol on February 28th in just weeks! You could be the proud winner of $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”!

Jane M.
PCH Creative

P.S. You can find support, advice and encouragement from other blog readers in the comments section below. Feel free to join this lively community of wishers and dreamers with high hopes for a better future!