How One Minute Of Your Time Could Change Your Life!

It may be a Monday but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun day. Because you’re reading my riveting blog (always fun) for one thing, and you might get some important information that will only take a minute to read … and that minute could be a real life-changer!
I’m talking about taking just a moment to enter to win our new “Set For Life” Prize Event scheduled for award on April 27th. It pays out the kind of money that can make a BIG difference in the lucky winner’s life with weekly checks of $7,000.00 coming in for life!
We’ll be looking for the matching winning number to come in for this one with a Special Early Look. If it isn’t timely returned or is ineligible, we’ll definitely award a $1,000,000 base prize in a random drawing held among timely eligible entrants. Not bad for an opening act!
Take it from our latest big winner, Jo Ann Snyder of Wilkes-Barre, PA. She says she has been entering the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes for years. But her life changed in an instant the moment Dave Sayer and the Prize Patrol showed up at her doorstep!
Go Ahead. Do It. It Only Takes A Minute.
Just follow the advice (shown above) from one of our $1 Million winners, Robert Gonzales, who said: “A minute on my computer versus a lifetime of change…why not? Why not give it a try?” Indeed, why not? Truer words have never been spoken. Because you never know which entry will be the winning one. That’s why you should always take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Plus, these chances to enter at PCH are always FREE! So why wouldn’t you?
Another $1 Million winner, Rosemary Cella, has some wise words of advice about entering, too:
“I just kept doing it. How long does it take, ten minutes maybe? You know, so we’re on the computer … just do it! Put a stamp on … mail it. You’re always going to the post office or the mailbox. It’s easy! Why not do it?”
Here’s another handy entry strategy from $1 Million winner Boris Clinton. “I would use PCHsearch&win, and ask the search engine for information on things that I’d like to win — Like the car I want!”
Guess what? He still enters every chance he gets! Take it from him: “You have to be in it to win it. Do a steady diet of it! Just register and open every email PCH sends to you. Just do it! It only takes a few minutes of your time. So when you see it on your phone while you’re out running an errand, just click on it and do it. You just have to be consistent!”
I hope that I’ve given you some motivation this Monday to start getting those entries in for the $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event from Publishers Clearing House. With so many ways to enter, there really is no excuse not to maximize your entries to maximize your chances to win on April 27th! Why not start by clicking the Enter Now button in the upper righthand corner of your screen right now!
Best of luck!
Jane M.
PCH Creative