PCH is Always Free to Enter and WIN!

You don’t have to spend a fortune on lottery tickets to take a chance on winning BIG! At PCH the winning is always free and you NEVER have to pay to enter or claim a prize.
PCH is The Real Deal FREE Sweepstakes … but beware of “copycats” who ask for money.
You NEVER have to pay to win a PCH prize. But the scammers on Facebook and Prize Patrol impersonators want you to believe that you have to pay some kind of fee or tax to claim a prize. Don’t believe it – they want to take YOUR money and run. You never have to pay or send money to claim a prize!
PCH has awarded over $449,000,000.00 in 100% FREE Prizes — and the winners didn’t spend a dime!
So whether you try your luck at winning instant prizes at pch.com, search to enter and win at PCHSearch&Win, or “go for the gold” at the PCHrewards Token Exchange — take advantage of all the FREE ways to win at Publishers Clearing House — rest assured that there are NO strings attached. If you win, YOU collect the money … no one else.
Enter for FREE to win $1,000.00 a Day For Life!
Holy smokes, my friends: that would be $365,000.00 every year … For Life. And it could become yours if you enter and win our $1,000.00 A Day For Life “Special Early Look” Prize Event coming up on October 25th. Just this past Friday, the Prize Patrol delivered another BIG Win for Life Prize that somebody won with a FREE entry … so why couldn’t you become a winner, too?
So, forget about lottery tickets. Put your money back in your wallet, and go for all the big FREE prizes at Publishers Clearing House, where it’s always FREE to enter to WIN.
And I hope you do!
Publishers Clearing House