PCHers Love the Giveback!

Last Updated: September 18, 2018

Hey there, friends and fans!

It’s one of my favorite times of the year … no, not the start of fall (although after this summer’s heat, that’s up there too). It’s time for the PCH Giveback!

If you’ve been following PCH for the past few years, you know all about the PCH Giveback, but for our new fans or anyone who just needs a refresher, every year PCH Pledges to donate over $100,000.00 to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This year, YOU can help make that number even higher by watching next Monday’s very special episode of Inside PCH, which streams from our Facebook Fan Page!

For every view, we will donate $1.00 more to St Jude, up to $50,000.00!!!

Everyone at PCH is SUPER EXCITED to give so much money to such a good cause (and I am personally very confident that you’ll help us get to the top amount)! PCH Executive Vice President, Deborah Holland, said it to me best: “I believe our purpose in life is not just to exist for ourselves alone, but to help make the world a better place.”

If you stopped by PCH headquarters and asked anyone about the Giveback, you would see them light up! My friend and de facto PCH poet laureate Marybeth H. is “proud to be working for a company that has such a long history of giving, to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and so many other good causes!”

That we’re helping out the incredible St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital really takes our “gusto for giving” to the next level! Dillon S. (who surely charmed many of you on STEVE last week) told me why she thinks PCH and St. Jude make a perfect pair. “At PCH, we pride ourselves in giving back and helping the less fortunate. We know that we are helping the youth of our generation and, hopefully, they will go on to live healthy, fulfilling lives.”

Even the team that started the Giveback is impressed by how much it has grown. Amanda C., PCH’s real-life version of Daenerys Targaryen, was on that team. “It was amazing back then, and it’s amazing to see that it’s still going strong and that we’re still changing lives years later. Proud to work for a company like PCH.”

Seeing a recurring theme? Pride! Every PCHer I know is grateful to work for a company with such a strong history of giving to those in need. The Giveback isn’t all we do —

40% of PCH’s profits goes toward charitable trusts — but we also love to get incredible fans like you involved!

So, what can you do to help us Giveback? We’re creating a real-time digital mosaic of us here at PCH and of our fans who help us give, so just send upload your photo here so YOU can be recognized when we present St Jude Children’s Research Hospital with a “Big Check”! And of course, tune in to Inside PCH on 9/24!

Looking forward to making the world a better place together!


Will F.
PCH Creative

PS: What are your favorite causes to give back to? Let us know in the comments below!