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Catching up with June SuperPrize Winner Boris Clinton!

At Publishers Clearing House, it is always a pleasure for us to catch up with our SuperPrize winners. Why? Because they’re always in a good mood! So when I called Boris Clinton for his 1-month follow up interview, it was not surprising to have him tell me repeatedly, “Oh, I’m doing VERY well!” You may […]

Catching up with SuperPrize Winner Mark Johnson!

If you’re a regular reader of the Publishers Clearing House blog, you know that we often share exciting clues on the days that we award the SuperPrize. What are the clues you might ask? Well they’re hints that help reveal where the Prize Patrol is headed that day! Many of us here at Publishers Clearing […]

Why Should You Become Our Next SuperPrize Winner?

I love a good debate.Whether it’s arguing with my friends over which sports team is better or locking horns with my family members about whether Scarlet O’Hara should have been with Rhett Butler or Ashley Wilkes (Rhett, duh!), there’s nothing like a good natured debate to get your mind active! We all know that the […]

Meet Mark Johnson, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner

On the evening before our April 30th Million Dollar SuperPrize award, Mark Johnson was chatting with family and friends about his almost-daily entries in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. “You may laugh” he told them, “but I’m gonna win someday!” Well, that “someday” turned into the very next day! At 11:30 AM on April 30th […]


On Tuesday, December 16, Karl Jonsson and his family – like Americans everywhere – were looking forward to Christmas. A small tree was lit up and twinkling in the living room of their rural Wisconsin home an hour west of Green Bay. But this was not going to be a holiday rich with gifts under […]


Tuesday, November 25th, 2014, is a day that Brian Willis and his family will never forget: that’s when the PCH Prize Patrol knocked on the door of his Lexington, South Carolina home and presented him with roses, balloons, champagne and a Million Dollar SuperPrize – just in time for Thanksgiving. When Brian opened the door […]