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Who is the August 28th PCH SuperPrize Winner? Follow These Clues!

Some people find the holidays the “happiest time of the year,” but for us it’s SUPERPRIZE DAYS! And today, my friends, is another BIG SuperPrize day! Yes folks, the August 28th PCH SuperPrize event is finally here, and we can hardly contain our excitement! We LOVE giving away those Big Checks, especially when they are […]

Cash Windfall for PCH $1 Million SuperPrize Winner in Washington!

June 30th, a day the PCH Prize Patrol had been anticipating for months finally arrived!  When I found out we had a winner in Washington State near Mount St. Helen’s, I was thrilled since I’ve never been there. But would that excitement translate to a smooth prize delivery? As you’ll see, we experienced some bumps […]

Who Is The April 30th SuperPrize Winner? Follow These Clues!

“Dun…dun…dun!” Can you feel the suspense?! It’s finally the day everyone’s been waiting for ­– the day we’ll find out who our April 30th SuperPrize winner is!” Are YOU our winner??? Only time will tell! But until then, I have some fun clues to keep you busy! They’ll help you figure out where the Prize […]


It is our pleasure to introduce you PCH Blog readers to our newest Million Dollar SuperPrize winner, James Walker of Newalla, Oklahoma. The Prize Patrol arrived in nearby Oklahoma City on Thursday evening, February 27 to get ready for the Big SuperPrize the next day.  Everything went like clockwork on Friday morning – with the […]

Meet The Newest Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize Winner!

Congratulations to Sherry Seltman, PCH Winner from Gilman City, Missouri! Some PCH Blog readers complain that the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol never visits “cities.” Still others complain that we never visit “small towns”. Well, on June 30 we satisfied both critics. We went to Gilman City, MO — literally a “city,” but one of […]

Meet PCH’s Newest SuperPrize Winner, Jason Clark!

Jason Clark of Pocahontas, Arkansas, works “on the river” – as he puts it, on barges that ply the Mississippi and other major waterways of the U. S.  He’s been doing that for ten years (since he was 19) and welcomes the 30-day home leaves between month-long duties for time with his wife Audrey, a […]