Last Updated: November 19, 2014

What State

A recent trip took me by air to California. (Just so you Golden State residents aren’t bummed out, I was not knocking on someone’s door with a Big Check but doing some other Publishers Clearing House business.) While it’s a pretty long flight from the East to the West Coast, I always get a kick out of looking out the window and watching city after city and town after town glide beneath me. Even from altitudes of 36,000 feet I recognize so many places our PCH Prize Patrol has been, and I remember fondly the hundreds of winners we have surprised with roses, balloons and giant cash prizes totaling close to a quarter of a billion dollars!

While all these “winning moments” are a pleasure to recall, I’m sobered by the realization that there are still many places we have not yet visited – and so many folks I’d like to surprise with a Big Check worth thousands or millions of dollars.

You may be thinking, “You’re darn right Dave: You haven’t rung my doorbell! And I’d surely LOVE to win some big money.”

Well, don’t despair. As you know, we’ll be on the road again tomorrow delivering another huge One Million Dollar Prize to someone, maybe even you.

I’m sure you’ll join me in hoping that tomorrow the Prize Patrol won’t just fly over your town, but actually land there to announce “You are a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”

Before you go, please comment below and let us know what town and state you hope we visit tomorrow. But remember, please don’t leave your full address in the comments!

Wishing you the best of luck.

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador

P.S. Want up-to-the-date information about where the Prize Patrol is headed tomorrow? Be sure to visit Danielle Lam’s PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page for clues. Amanda will also be posting new clues here on the PCH Blog tomorrow!