What Famous Landmarks Could the Prize Patrol Visit in Your Town?

Hey there, friends and fans!
Can you believe that the Prize Patrol will be on the road the day after tomorrow? That’s right, someone will DEFINITELY be winning $5,000.00 A Week For Life this Friday, August 30th! If you’re selected the winner, you’ll be showered with balloons, roses, champagnes, and of course, the “BIG CHECK”, all by the Prize Patrol!
One of the coolest parts of being on the Prize Patrol — aside from making our fans big prizewinners — is that they get to travel all over the country. Seeing so much of the U.S. of A. is a great job perk, but it begets an important question. If the Prize Patrol were to select a winner of $5,000.00 A Week For Life in your town, what would you suggest they see and do? We recently asked where they should stop for lunch, but what else is there to do?
Currently, I live in Manhattan, so there’s A LOT to do around here: between Broadway Theatre (Hadestown is my top recommendation, although I’m super excited to see Moulin Rouge!), the museums, the parks, the shopping, and all of the great many historical landmarks, you can have several months that are full of adventures!
But even my hometown has some exciting things nearby! For example, I’m originally from a town on Long Island, so basically, if it’s mentioned in a Billy Joel song, I’ve been there. (The “village green” in “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant” is down the road from my grandparents’ house!) It’s also home to Eisenhower Park, which is even larger than Central Park and is great for golfing!
These are all fun things to do, but there are also real historic landmarks nearby: just a few towns over from where I grew up is the birthplace of Walt Whitman, and right by there is the historic mansion, Oheka Castle.
I’ve found that no matter what you go, though, even the smallest, sleepiest towns (sometimes, especially the smallest, sleepiest towns), you can find the most incredible, unheard-of landmarks! So no matter where you are, I bet you can come up with awesome recommendations should the Prize Patrol come to your town to award $5,000.00 A Week For Life!
What About YOUR Town?
What’s the most famous landmark in your town? The city nearest to you? In your state? Let’s say the Prize Patrol shows up to your door on Friday, with a “BIG CHECK” for $5,000.00 A Week For Life, and they ask how they should spend the rest of their day. What do you say?
Let us know in the comments below! We’d be especially interested to hear less famous landmarks — let us know the special secrets that aren’t as widely known!
Will F.
PCH Creative