What Would It Mean To You To Win “Forever”?

Today I want you all to dream BIG. I mean REALLY BIG. Because Giveaway #13000 is about to end and someone’s about to take home a HUGE prize that pays out for a lifetime … and more!
It’s the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize, and the PCH Prize Patrol will definitely be delivering the BIG check to a lucky winner on February 28th. There will be a real live check delivered that day, too, for the first installment of $5,000.00 on the spot. And then those $5,000.00 checks would keep on coming week after week after week for the winner’s lifetime!
What Would This Incredible Windfall Mean To You?
So, the burning question today is: What would it mean to you to win “Forever”? And what would it mean for the life of a loved one? You see, the prize winner for Gwy. #13000 also gets to choose a beneficiary. So if you won, those same weekly $5,000.00 checks would continue after your lifetime, paid out to a loved one for their lifetime. Wow! That’s a lot of money. And the payout could go on for years and years and years!
How Would Your Life Change?
Let’s face it. This prize opportunity is the chance to treat your lifestyle to a total upgrade! It could mean a new house, a new car, a new life of leisure if you want to quit your job. Would it mean finally living debt-free? Getting out from under debt is a struggle for the majority of Americans. For you, personally would it then mean being able to finally put some money aside for a retirement nest egg?
Winning This Prize Is NOT Just About You!
Remember, you would be leaving a legacy of financial freedom for someone of your choosing. I want you to think about someone you would like to help out for the long run. Passing down the prize money to a family member could insure them a college education, the money to start their own business … the money to be debt-free for life. Who would you choose?
You’ve Got To Enter To Make That Dream Happen!
That’s the simple fact. And you’ve got to do it before the February 25th deadline. There are so many ways to enter to win, so you have your choice. Please don’t give up on your dreams – ever! Stay in it to win it and your life could change BIG time on February 28th!
We can’t wait to hear what kind of a HUGE impact that amount of money would have on your life and the life of a loved one should you win. The sky’s the limit friends and fans, so let us know what it would mean to you to win “Forever” in the comments below should you win! Tell us what your most pressing priorities would be for the short term, and then imagine how it would affect your life over the years, because if you won, those weekly checks would amount to a whopping $260,000.00 a year!
Jane M.
PCH Creative