Hello, my friends! I hope you’ve been well.
Reason I’m asking, of course, is that we’re counting down awarding our guaranteed $5,000.00 A Week For Life prize award on August 30th. That’s the day some lucky someone’s life will change with the ring of a doorbell — YOURS, for instance! Picture this: after calming down from the excitement of receiving that huge prize if you win … what’s the first thing you’d buy with your $5,000.00 A Week For Life fortune from PCH?
A new car?
Maybe your car has been living from repair to repair … or maybe it’s too small … or maybe your car is fine, but a loved one desperately needs a new one. With an annual “pay raise” of $260,000.00 a year for life, our August 30th winner could sign and drive away with the fanciest wheels on the lot — whether it’s a powerful, feature-loaded truck, a plush luxury car or a head-turning sports car.
New appliances, a new roof or a brand-new kitchen and bath?
Have you and your family been “making do” with an old TV, kitchen stove or ’fridge? Or maybe “doing without” an air conditioner or dishwasher? Or have you dreamed of updating your kitchen or bathroom, top to bottom, so they’re all fresh and new and company-ready? Consider it done if you become the winner of our PCH guaranteed $5,000.00 a Week For Life prize!
Would you splurge on an awesome vacation?
You wouldn’t have to “settle” or worry about taking time from work if you win $5,000.00 prize checks for the rest of your life! Our winner could book the most luxurious cruise, a First Class world tour, a family reunion at the fanciest resort or theme park, staying at 5-star hotels and enjoying gourmet meals, shopping at the priciest shops — money absolutely NO object!
Or would paying your BILLS be the first thing you’d buy?
We read ALL your comments to these blogs, my friends … and time and time again readers tell us that that paying off debt and achieving financial freedom would be the first thing they’d spend their prize money on. Do you have the “balance due blues” hanging over your head? Winning our guaranteed $5,000.00 A Week for Life prize next Friday would make it all go away.
So tell us! What IS the first thing you’d buy with a BIG PCH CHECK?
It could be as down-to-earth as back-to-school gear for your kids or a rider mower or as extravagant as a new fishing boat or a 77” Ultra HD Smart TV.
Only YOU know what the first purchase you’d make with a $5,000.00 A Week For Life prize check!
Today is Thursday, August 22nd. That means you only have only days left to enter to win the guaranteed lifetime fortune our Prize Patrol must deliver on August 30th. Make every day count by sending in as many entries as you possibly can.
And start thinking about the first thing YOU would buy with a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House.
Good luck, my friends!