What’s Your “Winner Nickname?” Find Out Now!

Nicknames. I’m a big fan of them. They’re fun, affectionate, and often just plain silly. I’ve had quite a few over the years: T, Teens, even Zuzz (don’t ask). Currently, my honey calls me “Chi” (short for Chi Chi), which I love. I really enjoy having a cute nickname, and I like giving them to people too, which got me thinking … what about SuperPrize Winner Nicknames?
It’s just in the “nick” of time, too, because next month, PCH will be searching for a Lifetime Prize Winner from Gwy. No. 8800. That means on April 28th, someone could win $7,000.00 A Week For Life! That’s a pretty huge fortune! Money like that could make your financial troubles disappear and your dreams come true. So I’m going to come up with some great PCH Winner Nicknames to inspire everyone! In fact, I created a fun little game so you could all have our very own – even if you haven’t won … yet!
If you were to win a PCH SuperPrize®, what would your winner nickname be? Choose your birth month from the left column and your favorite color from the right column to find out. Take a look!
According to the game, my winner nickname would be “The Great Wonder Bucks!” Ha! I wish! PCH employees aren’t eligible to win sweepstakes, but I can still have a Winner Nickname! Tell me in the comments below what yours is! I can’t wait to see all the cool combinations. You can even make up your own. And feel free to tell me what your personal nickname is too! I bet there are some good ones out there.
OK, so I couldn’t help myself. I also used the game to create Autumn’s Winner Nickname. She would be “Bubbly Goldmine!” Aww, so cute! You know, that’s actually pretty accurate too. Her fuzzy coat is gloriously golden and her sparkling personality is sweet and bubbly! See for yourself below! But honestly, I’ve given her TONS of loving nicknames – every day she inspires me to come up with another mushy name of endearment like: Sweat Pea, Mama, Baby Bird, D-Boo and many more. The list goes on and on.
So let’s get down to business. I want to see lots of Winner Nicknames in the comments below. I also want so see your personal nickname – almost everyone has one. And tell me if you enjoyed my silly little name game too! I hope it made you giggle or smile. Nicknames are charming and fun, and who knows, with a $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize drawing closer, we just may be calling you “Lucky Guacamole” or “Happy Glitterati” very soon!
See you next time!
The Great Wonder Bucks
a.k.a. Tina P.
Online Creative