#Winner Wednesday: Fun Things to Do Inside Your Home!

Greetings, Fans and Friends, and Happy #Winner Wednesday. I hope you are feeling well and dealing with this crazy world as best you can!
In addition to being #Winner Wednesday, the day we celebrate PCH winners of smaller prizes, AND April Fool’s Day, did you know that April 1st is also National Walking Day AND National Fun Day? And believe it or not, staying inside the house can turn into great opportunities to walk AND fun things to do inside your home.
Let’s address walking first. Working from home for the time being doesn’t allow me to trek through the parking lot to the office or race to meetings all the way on the other side of the building (and it’s a big building!). But that doesn’t mean I sit still all day.
Today (in my slippers) I walked downstairs from the bedroom to the kitchen …
Then I walked down another flight from the main level to the basement …
And then I walked a few feet to my computer! (Whew, how tiring!)
When I wanted fresh air, I walked to get the newspaper!
You, too, can walk around your house to get those steps in. And because today is also National Fun Day, I may I suggest the perfect destination for you to have fun, fun, and more fun …
Why, it’s Publishers Clearing House and all the opportunities to enter to win the PCH Sweeps! Hey, it’s probably the most fun thing you can do while you’re fighting boredom being at home. Plus, playing PCH games is FREE … and did I mention you could win cash, cash and more cash! Just read what these Publishers Clearing House prize winners have to say:
Cheri M., of Springfield, MO, a $20 PCH winner, comments, “Dreaming of that big win and having fun playing games while trying to win.”
Janina C., Inverness, FL, another $20 winner, writes, “I felt excited and proud when I found out I WON at PCH!! Really enjoy playing the games and having lots of fun!!”
Christina T., of Winston-Salem, NC, who won a $100 PCH prize, tells us, “The games are fun to play and you just might win a prize too. How great is that?”
Lois T., of Hemet, CA, who also won $100, writes, “PCH is so much fun, I play on my PC Desktop and on my iPhone, I am hooked on your games.”
Thornton L., of Senatobia, MS, won $50 from Publishers Clearing House and states, “Playing to win is so much fun! I enjoy the games.”
Lastly, Mary Z., of North Babylon, NY, won $100 and says this about PCH: “What I love most is all the fun you have playing the games, entering tournaments and, of course, the chance to win prizes!!”
Fans and friends, it’s time to celebrate both National Walking Day AND National Fun Day by taking a stroll over to that desktop, laptop, tablet or phone and enjoying one of the most fun things you can do from home … entering the PCH Sweeps!
After all, if you can’t get out, then get in … TO WIN!!!
Thank you, all, for making PCH part of your day! And please stay happy, healthy and safe!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative