Who works harder for you … Santa or the PCH PRIZE PATROL?

Merry Christmas, my dear friends!
I hope you’re enjoying the day, and that (ahem!) Santa Claus was good to you this year. He should have been! Unlike our Prize Patrol team, who are on call to deliver big FREE prizes month in and month out, all year round, Santa works only one night a year — sweet!
Yep, Mr. Claus is stretched out now, having himself a snooze … while Prize Patrol Elite members Dave, Todd, Danielle and Howie are busy making plans to bring another “Big Check” to a lucky girl or boy like you!
They don’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice!
The PCH Prize Patrol doesn’t care whether you’ve been sleeping or awake, naughty or nice — if you send back the winning number, YOU get the Big Check … end of story!
They can turn any day of the year into Christmas!
It could be raining or snowing, blazing hot or icy cold, but nothing comes between our gang and making folks millionaires. This fearless foursome is constantly making plane reservations, booking hotels, blowing up balloons, programming the van’s GPS, inking up Big Checks … while old St. Nick lets his workshop of elves do all the “grunt work.”
No flying sleigh — no cookies either!
Sure, our Prize Patrol would like a fleet of flying reindeer to take them all over the map – and plates of fresh-baked cookies at every stop. But no … they’re out on the road with the rest of us, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, stopping for gas, fixing flats, doing whatever it takes to deliver life-changing fortunes to wonderful people — someday to YOU, I hope!
People of all ages can believe in them!
Little ones believe in Santa Claus … he makes Christmas magical for them. Now I’m asking you to believe too in the very real magic our Prize Patrol has brought to people for decades. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, what kind of house or apartment you live in, where you live — everyone has an equal shot at winning a prize … but you must enter!
Dear friends, enjoy the rest of the day and the holiday season. And please, make a New Year’s resolution to enter at Publishers Clearing House every day — because you never know which entry could “connect” you to a fortune delivered by our hard-working Prize Patrol!
Your PCH Friend,