You Can Get in to Win PCHSearch&Win’s Mystery Prize Mania Event!

Hey there, friends and fans!
Can you believe we’re just about halfway through the summer already? Between weekend getaways and holiday BBQs, we hope the summer has been treating you well! And now we’ve got even more exciting news: starting today, you can get in to win our Mystery Prize Mania Event and PCHSearch&Win!
If you’re been following the event at PCHSearch&Win (and there are A LOT of events), you might remember that we had a Mystery Prize Mania Event last year — and it was such a big success, with so many fans (perhaps even you!) entering to win that we wanted to do it again this year!
The best part is that the Prize Patrol is GUARANTEED to deliver a big prize at the end of the event! That’s right, it’s another major PCH Prize! Since it’s a mystery, I don’t know how much the winner is going to receive, but I know it can range anywhere from an incredible $5,000.00 to an absolutely stunning $25,000.00.
If you’re selected the winner, you’ll get a visit from the Prize Patrol on 8/2!
How Does the Mystery Prize Mania Event Work?

Since you’re now surely excited about this guaranteed event prize, you must want to know what
you can do to get in to win, and how the prize is a mystery!
In order to enter to win this prize, you must be signed up to receive our emails! The best emails to sign up for are the PCHSearch&Win mailings themselves, but you’ll also find a few opportunities to win coming from our other sites, so be on the lookout!
As you receive your PCHSearch&Win mailings this week, you’ll get special opportunities to search and enter to win the Mystery Prize Mania Event! When you go to search, you’ll reveal how much is at stake that day: if that entry is selected the winner, that is the amount of money you’d receive!
It’s a different amount of money every day, so you’ll want to keep track of what each day brings, especially if it’s one of the higher amounts we could award!
How long do you have to get in to win? Sunday is the last day we’re accepting entries to win, so to maximize your shot to win this guaranteed event prize, you’re going to need to pay close attention to PCHSearch&Win the next few days! I’m sure you have it in you!
Happy searching!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: IF you won the Mystery Prize Mania Event, you’d have another mystery to solve: how would you spend your winnings? You can let us know in the comments below!