PCH Fans Are In It to Win It Any Time of Day or Night!

Greetings, Fans and Friends – it’s #Winner Wednesday!
Today, May 13th, is National Third Shift Workers Day, also known as National Night Shift Workers Day, honoring all workers who work hard through the night, night after night.
National Third Shift Workers Day is especially significant right now because of all our essential workers – healthcare workers, delivery drivers, transport workers, supermarket shelf stockers and more – who are working around the clock to provide everyone with needed services. Today, let’s show these heroes a little LOVE!
Many of our PCH fans know what it’s like to put in those overnight hours at work. In addition, plenty of you also turn to the PCH Sweeps in the middle of the night. Whether 3AM is your personal down time or whether you simply can’t get to sleep, PCH is “open” to contest entries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! And that’s why these PCH winners think that anytime is “PCH time.”
Thomas L. of Saginaw, MI, a $1,000 PCH winner, comments, “It was late and I was just trying get a few Slots games in before Midnight. Was totally surprised when everything lit up and the message said I had won. Thanks, PCH!”
Devin W. of Atlantic City, NJ, writes, “First of all I’d like to thank you. I have never won anything. I play every day sometime all night long hoping to one day land it big just to not to struggle and live a normal life – and for that I’m so thankful with so much gratitude, and I do appreciate it.”
Frieda W. of Columbus, GA, who won a $50 PCH prize, tells us, “I’m so excited and it feels great! Playing PCH Games every day and night has wonderful token rewards. Every chance I get I look forward to the fun of playing. I’m not a quitter and finally experiencing being a WINNER!”
Another Columbus resident, this time from Columbus, OH, Laurence M., who won a $100 PCH prize, writes, “This is the second time that I’ve ever won on these games and I’m glad staying up all night playing finally paid off again.”
Fans and friends, whether the sun is shining or the moon is glowing … whether you’ve just finished the night shift or you’re taking an afternoon break … whether the birds are singing or the crickets are chirping, it’s always the right time to play PCH’s fun, FREE, fabulous games!
Yes, indeed, PCH fans are in it to win it any time of day or night!
When do you enter to win the PCH Sweeps? Let us know in the comments below!
Thank you, all, for making PCH part of your day! As always, please stay happy, healthy and safe!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative