Free Chances to Win Money? Get Yours Here!

Hey there, friends and fans, blog readers old and new!
What’s your favorite saying about opportunity? “Aim for the stars?” “The early bird catches the worm?” “When one door shuts, another opens?” In a musical I hold very near and dear, Into the Woods, Cinderella says, “Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor,” and that’s one I find myself going back to time and time again. When an opportunity presents itself, you should take it…especially here at PCH, where that opportunity is free chances to win money!
Who doesn’t want a little more money? Whether to bank a little for a rainy day, make a few home renovations, pay off your student loans (or help your loved ones do so), or for a plethora of other reasons, I think just about everyone would be open to have more money! But with life so busy as it is, it’s often hard to increase your income: side hustles and job searches are time consuming, after all!
Here at PCH, we provide an abundance of free chances to win money! Even better, most of our sweepstakes and prizes take just a few quick seconds to enter to win, and they cover a whole range of prizes! For example, on the sweepstakes tab at alone, there are dozens of contests you can get in to win with just a free quick clicks! They range from smaller prizes, like $10,000.00 to make over your bathroom or kitchen, to the $1,250,000.00 for Ultimate Dream Home, to our biggest prize event, the $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize!
Is that big prize calling out to you? $7,000.00 A Week For Life is A LOT of money — that’s not just a home renovation or debt reduction, that’s a complete lifestyle change! Fortunately, there’s more than one way to get in to win! Visit PCHSearch&Win or PCHFrontpage (or why not BOTH) and use them like you would any other search engine. You’ll get more shots to win a lifetime prize, authorized for award during our special early look event on April 30th, plus you’ll get in the running to win daily cash prizes!
Looking for more free chances to win money? Stop by PCHlotto, where over $14 million is at stake this week! Multiple millionaire-making drawings, like the PowerPrize, MegaPrize, and Life Is Rich Prize, are at stake. And while you’re at it, stop by PCHgames — with your first game play of the day, you’ll get ANOTHER shot to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life, PLUS daily cash prizes are at stake!
PCH is all about giving friends and fans free chances to win money! With so many options above — and MORE I didn’t have time to discuss — why not take a few moments now to get in to win?
Will F.
PCH Creative
P.S. Even if the matching winner number for the $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize is not returned or is ineligible, there will be a Second Chance Drawing – and all eligible numbers will get in to win a guaranteed $1,000,000.00 prize! I wouldn’t sneer at a free chance to win money like that!