In 1 Word, How Would It Feel If You Won a PCH SuperPrize?

Close your eyes and imagine this: You’re home — maybe doing the laundry, cleaning, watching TV or chatting on the phone. You hear the doorbell, open the front door, and there they are: THE PRIZE PATROL, HOLDING THE “BIG CHECK” WITH YOUR NAME ON IT! What one word would perfectly describe your feelings if this truly happened?
would you feel ASTONISHED?
If you’ve ever dreamed about winning a life-changing SuperPrize from Publishers Clearing House, how ASTONISHING would it be to see this dream come true? And it could really happen in just a few weeks, if you win our $1,000.00 A Day For Life “Special Early Look” Prize Event. With $365,000.00 coming in year after year after year, the winner would be SET FOR LIFE!
would you feel HAPPY?
As a PCH Lifetime Prize Winner, all your money worries would be history! Imagine, no more ever-growing credit card bills, late fees, past-due medical bills or car payments. Wouldn’t you feel HAPPY to put that behind you — and start spending money on things you and your loved ones really need and enjoy? Enter to win $1,000.00 A Day For Life, and you could become very happy indeed!
would you feel GRATEFUL?
A lot of Publishers Clearing House winners exclaim, “Thank you, Lord!” when they learn of their good fortune — and then tell us about recent challenges that make their winnings seem especially “heaven-sent.” Seeing prayers answered on one lucky day — perhaps during next month’s Set For Life prize event — would make anyone feel truly GRATEFUL.
What 1 word would describe how YOU’D feel as a winner? SHARE IT BELOW!
That 1 word might be FLABBERGASTED or OVERJOYED … SURREAL or even SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS (props to Mary Poppins). There’s no “right” word — only your word!
Now that I’ve got you to thinking about how YOUR PCH Winning Moment might feel — I’m asking you to really, really go for making your dreams come true. That means entering every day and every way you can.
We’ll be taking a special early look to see if the winning number for our upcoming $1,000.00 A Day For Life Prize Event is returned on time. If it’s not, we’ll award big $1,000,000.00 prize instead — so either way, someone will definitely become a BIG PCH Winner in just a few weeks.
Be sure to “Be In It To Win It”!
Publishers Clearing House