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Who’s Winning At This Month?

Who’s Winning At This Month?

Seasons have changed and spring is officially upon us! As the days become warmer, we are seeing more green everywhere! However, I’m not just talking about the green we’ve been seeing outside, but the green our winners have been winning every day! This is your destination for hours of fun and chances to […]

If you won our “Win It All Prize,” what would you spend your first $2,000,000 on?

If you won our “Win It All Prize,” what would you spend your first $2,000,000 on?

Now’s the time to start thinking about it. Because we’re gearing up for our huge “WIN IT ALL” PRIZE EVENT on June 30th — where a lifetime winner would receive  TWO MILLION DOLLARS right off the bat!  What would you SPEND all that money on? Would you buy a BRAND NEW CAR…or two or three? That’d […]

Blog Reader Spotlight: Kimberly G. Says “Stay Persistent, Positive and Patient”!

Blog Reader Spotlight: Kimberly G. Says “Stay Persistent, Positive and Patient”!

We have so many wonderful fans, it’s always difficult to choose a blog reader to spotlight every month. But if you regularly read and comment on the PCHblog, you’re probably familiar with Kimberly G., who provides support and encouragement through her many, many uplifting comments. “I enter every day at every opportunity I am offered,” says […]

Follow-Up With Publishers Clearing House Winner Martha Fryar!

Follow-Up With Publishers Clearing House Winner Martha Fryar!

It was April 28th, and Publishers Clearing House Prize Day! The Prize Patrol was out on the road, and fans were following along online to see who was going be the next big Publishers Clearing House winner! Now normally, winner Martha Fryar can’t wait for Prize Day because … well, you never know! But on […]