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Do You Want YOUR NAME on Lucky The Big Check This Friday?

Lights, camera, action! That’s right, folks, it’s almost show time! This Friday, August 31st, I (Lucky Windfall – the Big Check) will be presented to our newest SuperPrize winner. The cameras will be rolling, lights will be flashing, and no one will be able to take their eyes off of…ME! What…did you think I was […]

The Big Check: The Prize Patrol’s Biggest Travel Challenge

Long before the airlines started charging fees for baggage other than carry-on’s, we members of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol traveled as light as possible.  We each brought one bag on board and put it in the overhead compartment — along with a rolled-up Prize Patrol sign for the van.  And that’s the way […]

Big Check Helps One Man Save For His Daughter’s College Fund!

August 2nd 2012 is a day that Tyrone Garvin will never forget.  Tyrone was home during the day, gearing up to go to work for the New York City Transit where he is a train operator when his daughter was at camp.  After a few rings of the doorbell and knocking on the door, we […]

Lucky The Big Check Introduces Richy, His “Forever” Prize Pal!

Hi fans, it’s me, Lucky Windfall, the famous “Big Check”! Did ya miss me? Well have no fear, I’m back and here to introduce you to someone VERY special. Remember in my last blog I said I hope someone wins the “Forever” Prize because it would make me proud to present the biggest prize in […]

Big Check, Big Winner, Big Acts Of Kindness!

These days, it seems like we’re constantly barraged with a slew of bad news. Turn on the TV, open up a newspaper – you’re almost guaranteed to see a story about greed, illness, and deceit. But don’t let these never-ending negative stories get you too down. I’m here to tell you that there is a […]


From the outside it looked like a very quiet house; the blinds were drawn, and the air was still — making the 101 degree heat even more oppressive. But, as the saying goes, “You can’t tell a book from its cover.” Within a moment of our knocking on the door we could hear A LOT […]