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Look For The Blue Check Mark On PCH’s Social Media Pages!

Look For The Blue Check Mark On PCH’s Social Media Pages!

We know you love connecting with us on all of our social media pages like PCH Facebook, PCH Instagram and PCH Twitter.  And we LOVE when you comment on our pages and connect with us by letting us know what you think! That’s why we want to remind you of a very important aspect that […]

Top Reasons Why You May Not Be Winning Sweepstakes!

I NEVER WIN ANYTHING!!! If you’ve ever heard yourself saying this or thinking “why am I not winning sweepstakes”, then you must read this blog! We’re here to share the top reasons why you may not be winning Sweepstakes. Find out what could be standing in the way of you and the prizes of your […]

Winning is Easy with PCH All Day & Everyday!

Where were you at midnight ET on 3/13/13? While some people were sound asleep in their beds, it was happening.  Fans like you were flocking to the PCHblog, Twitter  and to Danielle Lam’s PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page on Facebook  to find out how to win prizes during the very first PCH All Day event.  […]

PCH Motivational Monday: Don’t Lose Hope! More Prizes Ahead!

Hi everyone! It’s Danielle! I just want to thank EACH AND EVERY one of you for your participation in our February 28th SuperPrize Event! Whether you entered at, followed the clues on my Danielle Lam PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page, wrote a comment here on the blog, or better yet, did all of the […]

Didn’t Win? Don’t Worry! There’s More Where That Came From!

PCH has just named yet another winner and changed another person’s life forever! But if you didn’t receive a visit from the Prize Patrol yesterday, don’t count yourself out just yet because there’s LOTS more where that came from! After all, at PCH, it’s all about winning. Did you know that there are so many […]