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Profiles of PCH Blog Writers

The writers of our PCH Blog work year ’round to provide you with the latest updates on winning opportunities, plus relevant information and entertaining stories about PCH, our winners and life as a PCHer.  From newcomers to seasoned veterans, with experience in a variety of departments, they share news as it happens, a behind the scenes view and historical perspective to keep you involved and in touch.  We invite your feedback, so let us know your thoughts, reactions and questions about PCH.  Although many people write stories for the PCH Blog from time to time, here’s your chance to get to know our most regular contributors.


February 26, 2007: it’s a day I’ll always remember because it was my first day at Publishers Clearing House. I started “fresh out of college” as a Junior Copywriter. Back then I couldn’t imagine that someday I’d become Creative Director, part of a team responsible for creating, from scratch, the exciting Sweepstakes packages that come to your mailbox and the emails that come to your inbox. While I wear many hats at PCH, my personal favorite has always been my role as Editor-in-Chief of the PCHBlog. I LOVE hearing directly from you, the fans, and your comments inspire so much of what I do. Thank you for being the best fans EVER – please, keep those comments coming!

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After many years as one of those “Mad Men” with New York ad agencies, I joined Publishers Clearing House in 1981 as Director of Advertising. Initially I got to know our sweepstakes winners when they were brought to our Port Washington, NY headquarters to collect their prizes. Then, in 1988, Todd Sloane and I started the Prize Patrol, delivering Big Checks in-person to winners’ homes and video-taping their surprise and excitement for our TV commercials. Along the way I was interviewed on countless TV and radio talk shows, spreading the word on the absolute reality of our televised “winning moments.” Now, after more than a thousand winner visits -- awarding over $300 million in prizes, I am less active in PCH’s day-to-day business but still travel from coast to coast as Prize Patrol Ambassador. I never tire of knocking on doors and “knocking the socks off” lucky PCH fans; it's a thrill every single time. When not on PCH duty I'm involved in various community and church activities, play the piano, play bridge, bike, exercise, and walk our two dogs.

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I am a Copywriter in the PCH Creative Department, where I help to write PCH’s Bulletins — promoting PCH’s terrific products as well as the world-famous PCH Sweepstakes. I first worked at PCH in the 1990s, and then came back here in 2013 because I loved it so much. Here on the PCHblog, I write the #Winner Wednesday posts, as well as other blog posts where I have the pleasure of contacting our smaller prize winners. I also read through the blog comments every week to see what’s up with our fans, who always give me inspiration and new ideas for my blog posts!

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I joined PCH in 2008 as an Online Marketing Coordinator. When I started at PCH, I was working on PCHgames, PCHlotto and some of our other online properties. Today I manage the social media efforts here at Publishers Clearing House which include our Facebook fan page, twitter feed, youtube channel, and the PCHblog. What I find most exciting about my job is that I get to talk to real PCH fans each and every day via these social tools. In the process, I learn a ton about what makes our customers happy while collecting feedback on how we can do our jobs better. So far that feedback has been used to create new sweepstakes campaigns, improve our microsites and think about new ways to engage with our fans. On a personal note, I love to ride my bike, go camping and visit my extended family in Argentina whenever possible. Some of my favorite TV shows are Lost, V, 24 and Man vs. Wild. My ultimate dream would be to one day own a vegetable and chicken farm.

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My love of the written word has kept me gainfully employed my entire adult career, and I feel blessed to now work with such a talented and fun group of writers on the blog staff here at PCH! You may know me (and hopefully felt inspired by) my Motivational Monday blogs. I couldn’t do it without you – I’ve actually gotten my own inspiration from some of your comments on the blog, so keep them coming! I’m also part of the product promotion end of things here at PCH and love to write about the exciting lineup of merchandise we offer both online and through the mail. Of course I love to read in my spare time and I’m also a big fan and longtime listener of the blues – both live concerts and in my car!

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Since joining the PCH family as a Senior Copywriter in October 2019, I’ve been writing daily emails, coming up with new event names, and working on other projects, including blog posts! As an avid fan of sports, comics, books, movies, TV, and everything Godzilla, I try to infuse a little of my love for pop culture in all my work. When I have some spare moments (outside of family time and feeding the two cats), there’s kickboxing, long walks, and trivia to make every day more fun and interesting!

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I began working at PCH in 2014, shortly after graduating college where I studied journalism. As a copywriter, I’ve been able to work on many unique and enticing projects, such as many of our daily email lists and of course blogging! As a blogger, my favorite thing to do is to help all you fans understand that winning is real — and show you how you could win, too! Outside of PCH I’m an avid reader and love getting lost inside a good book.

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LauraAt PCH

I work at Publishers Clearing House and I love it! Besides helping make people’s dreams come true at PCH, I enjoy reading (Jane Austen is my favorite author), going to the beach, and traveling (my favorite foreign cities are London and Munich). I like meeting new people so feel free to leave comments!

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I'm your go-to gal with the can-do attitude, and I just love being a PCHer! Everything here is fun -- from writing descriptions about our hottest products, to coming up with new ways to introduce our Giveaways and all those fun PCHlotto cards -- being a PCHer really is amazing. I can't believe that I've been writing here since 2008! And writing blogs is one of my favorite things to do, because I get to know you better through your kind words and comments. I look forward to them every time I post! So please, keep 'em coming -- and I'll keep bringing you Insider Tips, Digit Diva quizzes and more PCH updates!

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Mary BethH.

Why am I smiling? Because I’m so lucky – working at Publishers Clearing House for over 20 years! I’ve seen LOTS of wonderful people become PCH winners over the years, and you know what? I still choke up when I watch our “winning moment” videos – thinking that maybe, just maybe, something I’ve written got the winner to enter and become so happy. What gets me smiling outside of PCH? Sampling the pleasures of nearby New York City: the plays, museums, parks, concerts, food and the best people-watching anywhere. You’ve got to come visit! And here’s my personal “golden rule”: try to leave every place you go a bit better than when you’d found it. Like winners’ homes when our Prize Patrol delivers those “Big Checks”!

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I’ve been a PCHer for nearly ten years, working in both the Contest and Creative departments. I love learning about Publishers Clearing House history and creating content for both our sweepstakes and merchandise. I’m known for my interviews with recent winners, “Throwback Thursday” articles and movie recommendations for PCHSearch&Win.

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As a Senior Copywriter at PCH, I work on lots of interesting projects, including daily emails and blog posts. It’s a lot of fun helping PCH fans learn about all of our amazing prizes! In my spare time, I enjoy being with my family and friends, running around with my rescue hound/lab mix, writing every day, and reading great books.

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Hey there, PCH fans! I began my fun-filled career as a PCHer in 2014. As a writer for the PCHBlog, I enjoy telling incredible fans, like you, about ALL of our awesome PCH content! When I’m not copywriting at PCH, you can find me watching a cool movie, trying new recipes, or hanging out at a coffee shop!

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PCH Staff

We have multiple PCH employees contribute to the blog from time to time. Instead of making new profiles for each new writer, we created this umbrella profile. The writers who do not have profiles will always sign the post with their names.

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I began my career with PCH in 2014 as a senior copywriter with the Interactive Development/Entertainment Group, and joined the blog team a few months later. I’m your go-to guy for PCHgames, so many of my blogs focus on tips & tricks to winning, new game releases, and just about anything that helps you haul in tons of tokens! At PCH, I work on many different parts of the business and I enjoy seeing how both the people and projects build the PCH presence you see online everyday. Outside the office, I’m an avid cyclist and regularly ride to work during the summer months.

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I’ve been a copywriter for the online creative department since December 2014. I write for various PCH properties including Lotto, the various blogs and our main path,, where I am lucky enough to help people’s dreams come true by creating exciting, millionaire-making sweepstakes packages. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that I’m contributing to such an amazing cause, and I feel proud and fortunate to be part of such a talented team. A dedicated animal welfare enthusiast, I devote my life to living cruelty-free, and my favorite pastime is spending endless hours with my glorious Chow-Akita-mix rescue dog, Autumn.

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VictoriaAt PCH

I love to work and am grateful for my terrific job with Publishers Clearing House! In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my cat and my ferrets, reading, and singing. Since I’m passionate about animals and their well being, I have worked to help homeless animals and families who no longer have the means to support their pets. I look forward to an ever brighter future each day!

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On a hot summer day in 2012 I started my journey here at Publishers Clearing House as an Online Product Copywriter. Prior to PCH, I worked as a journalist and was eager to see where this new position would take me. Once I was brought on to the PCH blog team, I could immediately tell it was going to be a perfect fit! If you can’t already tell from my blogs, I love to cook and I am also very artistic. I truly enjoy sharing all my fun monthly recipes and creative search topics and look forward to continuing writing the blogs you’ve all come to love.

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Copywriter, Creative, and Socialite. I joined PCH as an intern during my senior year of college and was lucky enough to be hired full-time as a writer after I graduated – I say I’m lucky because not only do I have the best colleagues, but because I get to see our amazing fans, like you, dear reader, win life-changing prizes! Here, I write for a number of entertainment sites, including PCHgames and PCHlotto. Outside PCH, you can usually find me supporting the performing arts in New York City (after all, “history is happening in Manhattan, and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world!”)…you can always find a theatre reference or two in my blog posts!

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PCH Customer Service

The PCH customer service team is here to help!

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  1. We recently discovered black mold in your house and our son Nathan can’t be around that because he’s in remission from cancer. I can’t work in, my back, and my husband retired this year.