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Are YOU Today’s Big SuperPrize Winner? Follow the Clues!

It’s August 31st, and the Prize Patrol is excited to award a big prize to a brand-new winner! What’s the prize? It’s $1 Million – that’s a $1,000,000.00 prize to someone today, and they have NO idea the Prize Patrol is coming to their door! BUT, what if we told you that we were going […]

Danielle’s Desk: How Are SuperPrize Winners Notified?

Greetings, fans and friends, and happy Fourth of July! I hope you’ll be having fun today with your family and friends—remember to stay safe because we care about you! The 4th of July is all about American pride and there’s probably no prouder American right now than our June 30th SuperPrize winner, Wynona P. of […]


It’s a new year and there’s a new SuperPrize in town … and it’s guaranteed to be awarded on February 28th. I wonder who the winner will be. Will it be you? Will it be someone you know? Who wants to become the 1st PCH SuperPrize winner of the year? If the answer is YOU, […]

The Next PCH SuperPrize Winner Will Be ________________!

Greetings, fans and friends, Everyone out there who wants to win a PCH SuperPrize, raise your hand! Wow, that’s a lot of people (and no, I can’t see you, but I can imagine how many of you out there want to win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes)! And what a SuperPrize we have coming up […]

Meet the Newest $1 Million PCH SuperPrize Winner: George Snyder!

October 25th was the day so many PCH fans had been waiting for. SuperPrize days are some of the most exciting days of the year not only for our fans but also for PCH employees, like myself. We never know what is going to happen when we add someone to the PCH Winner’s List. Will […]

Meet Howard Hickman, Our Newest Million Dollar SuperPrize Winner!

Who knew that a house that looked so quiet on February 5 at 2:30 PM could – just a few minutes later – be the scene of life-changing excitement?  Well, that’s what happens when the PCH Prize Patrol comes to call.  For a retired accountant, that ordinary day suddenly turned into a euphoric experience never […]