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Follow-Up Winner Interview With $1,000,000.00 PCHlotto Winner!

Most of the good things in life don’t come easy, right? For example, in today’s PCH winner interview with PCHlotto “Life Is Rich” $1,000,000.00 winner Jason Lawler, you’ll learn he’d been entering for about five years! But this is one person who truly values his newfound fortune, because he never gave up! “It’s been over […]

Winner Wednesday: If You’re a PCH Winner, You Can Be the Boss!

Hello once again, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! Once again, I’ve referred to PCHSearch&Win to see what interesting holiday or observance happens today, and I’ve discovered that today, October 16th, is National Boss’ Day! National Boss’ Day is a time for many workers to appreciate their employers, to thank their bosses for being kind […]

Motivational Monday: Get In to Win the SuperPrize

“I’m so glad it’s Monday!” Said no one, ever. Mondays can be hard. Finding the motivation to scale your weekly To Do List can seem harder than climbing Mount Everest. Even getting in to WIN $1,000 A Day For Life might seem like too much to handle right now. Sure, you can clearly imagine what […]

What Have PCH Winners Spent Their Money On?

Are you dreaming of winning a ton of money as one of our PCH Winners? If you’re a regular reader of this blog, I’d imagine your answer is a very loud “YES!” There’s not much out there that compares to the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes, where you get the chance to win millions of dollars […]

What Would You Do With Your SuperPrize Winnings: SPEND IT or SAVE IT?

Winning a SuperPrize has always been your dream. As a dedicated PCH fan, you enter every day, play games as often as possible, and have even tried PCHlotto and PCHkeno looking for big cash prizes. It’s so easy – and PCH is always FREE to enter and FREE to WIN! You’ve probably even envisioned it: […]

#Winner Wednesday: Do You Believe in Guardian Angels?

Greetings once again, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! As I sometimes like to do when writing these blogs, I’ve taken a look at PCHSearch&Win to see if today, October 2nd, is special in any way. And I found that today is none other than Guardian Angel Day! Do you believe in guardian angels? Do […]