Click Here & Enter To Win The $1,000,000 Jackpot Prize on May 31st!

#WinnerWednesday: Why PCH Winners Are Like Cheeseburgers!

Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! Now, you may be wondering about the strange title of this blog … and at the same time, salivating over the picture of that yummy cheeseburger. That’s because it’s not just #WinnerWednesday, the day when we celebrate – both on the PCHblog and on the PCH Fan Page […]

In 1 Word, How Would It Feel If You Won a PCH SuperPrize?

Close your eyes and imagine this: You’re home — maybe doing the laundry, cleaning, watching TV or chatting on the phone. You hear the doorbell, open the front door, and there they are: THE PRIZE PATROL, HOLDING THE “BIG CHECK” WITH YOUR NAME ON IT! What one word would perfectly describe your feelings if this […]

#WinnerWednesday: Another “Hop to the Bank” for a PCH Winner!

Greetings, fans and fans, and Happy #WinnerWednesday! Do you remember Dee? Pictured above, Dee has been featured in two #WinnerWednesday blogs – first in May, when she won a $5 and a $100 PCH prize, and then in June, when she won $150! Then, just yesterday, Dee let us know that she made “another hop […]

Last Chance to Enter To Win The SuperPrize!

$5,000.00 A WEEK FOR LIFE IS UP FOR GRABS! You were given the one-week warning and I really hope that all you blog readers spent the last week entering! Not even casually entering but entering in every way possible, determined and hopeful that the next big winner could be you! Did you enter? How hopeful […]

GAME TIME! Match these PCH Winners’ quotes with their photos!

Hi, you wonderful PCH Blog readers! We really like to write about our winners (maybe YOU in a few weeks) – and we’re hoping their stories will inspire you to enter to WIN. Take a look at their encouraging “secret to winning” quotes above, and just for fun … Try to match the inspiring words […]