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WANTED, PCH Winners of Smaller Prizes!

Here on the #WinnerWednesday Blog, we’re always looking to hear from PCH prize winners! Not just BIG winners … but small prize winners too! I know you’re out there – because every 5 minutes, PCH has a winner, and to date, Publishers Clearing House has awarded over $411 Million in prizes! So, if you’ve won […]

#WinnerWednesday: Calling All PCH Prize Winners!

ATTENTION, fans and friends! Have YOU won a PCH prize? I’m not necessarily referring to our life-changing SuperPrize – although I know that some of our BIG winners read the PCH Blog. I’m talking about smaller PCH prize winners – $10, $25, $100, gift cards, etc.! I’ve reached out to many of our small prize […]

On A Scale Of 1-10, How Bad Do You Want To Become The Next “Forever” Prize Winner?

There’s hoping, and then there is HOPING! With all eyes on the upcoming SuperPrize, we need to know … HOW BAD do you want to win the next “Forever” Prize, GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED to a lucky winner on February 28th?  Think about it. On a scale of 1-10, how strong is your desire to […]

Follow-Up With $2.5 Million Mega Prize PCH Winner Carol Guiles!

When someone becomes a PCH winner, one of the interview questions I always ask is “before the Prize Patrol showed up, did anything feel different about that day?” Oftentimes the answer to this question is “no, not really!” but every once in a while, someone surprises me, like recent winner Carol Guiles! “The day before, […]

PCH Winners Have The Biggest Hearts

When I first started with Publishers Clearing House approximately 4 ½ years ago, I heard from everyone that PCH’s fans, players, and winners have the biggest hearts. In fact, quite a few fans come from some of the more rural parts of America, and when they’re presented with a “Big Check” that automatically awards them […]