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Meet Diane Jehanian, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner

People are always asking the Prize Patrol, “We see you knock on doors.  But what if the SuperPrize winner isn’t home?”  Well, we go to “Plan B” and track winners down wherever they are – work, school, shopping.  We’ve surprised winners at church, in the hospital, even on an airplane.  One time we waited three […]


As so often happens, the PCH Prize Patrol arrived at just the right time.  If we had arrived at Mike Shields’ house on June 29, we would not have found him — because he was in the hospital.  But  — hallelujah! — Mike was home on June 30, recovered and resting up to go back […]

Catching up with October SuperPrize Winner Desiree Scudder!

When we have a big SuperPrize winner at Publishers Clearing House, sometimes it takes the winner a while to figure out what they want to do with the money. After all, it can be a little overwhelming to know what to do with more than $1 Million!  That’s what makes our October SuperPrize winner, Texas-resident Desiree […]

Meet Desiree Scudder, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner

The morning of October 23rd found the PCH Prize Patrol standing outside an apartment in Irving, Texas – just outside Dallas — looking for Desiree Scudder, our newest Million Dollar winner.   But there were two problems: First, no one answered the door despite our increasingly hard knocking.  And second, it was raining cats and […]

Are Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize Winners Notified by Phone? NO!

Here on the PCH Blog, we do our very best job to keep you safe. Unfortunately, as we’ve told you before, there are scammers out there trying to trick innocent people all over the country into thinking they have won money or prizes from PCH. One of the BIGGEST scams that victims fall for are […]

Meet Robb Gonzales, Our Newest SuperPrize Winner

August 31st found the PCH Prize Patrol in Lakewood, Colorado looking for Robert Gonzales.  The only trouble was: the address on his Million Dollar winning entry was an empty little house, all locked-up and being fixed-up for a new tenant.  Luckily an excited neighbor, Anita, knew where we could find her “old friend” Robb and […]