The Number of PCH Prizes Awarded to Date Keeps Going Up!

Greetings, fans and friends!
How much has PCH awarded in prizes to date?
Well, that depends on when you ask! You see, right now, as I write this blog post, PCH has given away over $433 million in prizes! But ask me that question in a few weeks from now, and certainly months from now – after we’ve awarded some major prizes and SuperPrizes – and that number will definitely be higher!
At PCH the winning never stops! You may have read here on the blog that we have a new winner every 5 minutes! No wonder the total number of prizes awarded keeps going up! And as writers for PCH’s exciting contest promotions, we have to keep up with this ever-changing (and extremely impressive) number. Here in the Creative Department, we regularly receive emails from Bianca, in our Department of Contest, informing us that the total amount of prizes awarded to date has increased. And as soon as we get that new total (and after we go “Wow!”), we’re sure to let everyone know about it!
In fact, take a look at the photo below – it probably looks like a bunch of cross-outs to you, but it’s actually the sticky note I keep on my desk. Every time the total amount of PCH prizes awarded to date goes up, I cross out the old amount and write down the new amount. What started out as $396 million kept changing and changing and changing … until it became the current amount of $433 million!
What does this all mean? It means that Publishers Clearing House continually awards prizes of all amounts … and that every single day real people win PCH.
So, take it from Howie and Danielle, above, who want you to know that “cash is always in bloom at PCH”! With so many opportunities to win and so many prizes awarded, it certainly makes sense to enter every day in every way you can!
Good luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative