#WinnerWednesday: What Do PCH Winners Love Most about PCH?

Greetings, fans and friends – and welcome to #WinnerWednesday once again!
In past installments of our #WinnerWednesday blogs, you read comments from winners of smaller PCH prizes about how they felt when they won, and how they intended to spend their prize money.
Today, I am pleased to bring you some quotes from real PCH winners on what they love most about PCH. Let us know, in the comments section at the end of the blog, if you agree … or if you have your own special reason why you love PCH.
Let the lovefest begin!!
“I love that it is FREE and it does not cost to play,” says $100 winner Carlin M. of Detroit, MI.
“Playing the games and the nice people that always take the time to help you in a prompt way to fix the problems you might have,” says Linda M. of Wilmington, NC, who won a $20 PCH prize. (Hooray for our awesome Customer Service team!)
“My daily challenges that my group of games brings to me … trying to outdo the day before. Most importantly, playing the games keeps me sharp!” is the comment from $100 PCH winner Samuel G. from Fresno, CA.
Lisa T. of Mobile, AL, the winner of a $100 PCH prize, has a lot of love for PCH: “The games are fun, and I love scoring the tokens and entering for the prizes. I like seeing the winners at the bottom of the screen. I don’t know the winners, but I can imagine they are very happy to win – just like I am now! I also like seeing Dave, Howie, Todd and Danielle. Oh, and the commercials on TV are great!”
“I love that they give you hope not to give up and to hold onto that dream of winning one day,” says $20 PCH winner Noble T. of Prince Frederick, MD.
“What I love most about PCH is that I can play it anytime and you get lots of chances,” says Araceli T. of Mankato, MN, winner of a $5 PCH prize.
“They are a great company and I trust them highly,” says Gregory M. of Union City, CA, a $50 PCH winner.
“Winning!” is what $100 PCH winner Royce G. of Philip, SD loves best about PCH.
“Everything!” is the answer from Bachar A., of Munster, IN, a $100 PCH prize winner.
Kathren B., commented on the blog that she recently won $10 after entering the PCH Sweeps since 2006. She now loves the fact that she has achieved VIP Elite Yellow Diamond status. “I’m a super-fan and would love to meet the Prize Patrol,” she says, “I’m in it to win it. Make my dreams come true!”
Wow! From our variety of free-to-play games … to our helpful customer service … and more, there are so many reasons to love PCH!
And here’s one more before I sign off … We’re ready to award $7,000.00 A Week For Life next month. Enter now!
Good Luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
PS What do you love most about Publishers Clearing House? Comment below!