How Would Your Holidays Be Different If You Win This Friday?

Talk about a jolly surprise package! Imagine opening the door this Friday, December 21st to see the Prize Patrol holding a Big Check made out to YOU! They’re set to deliver a HUGE prize in days in our imminent $7,000 A Week For Life Prize Event, when we take a special early look to see if the winning number has been returned on time. If it has … and if it’s your number … you’d become very rich, very soon. How would that change your holidays this year? We’ve got a few suggestions.
You Could Play the Ultimate St. Nick!
Imagine showing up at the big party dressed up like Santa Claus and carrying a BIG sack of seriously awesome gifts: iPhones® for Mom and Dad … a diamond necklace for your wife or a status watch for your husband … expensive electronic games for the grandkids — stuff you KNOW they’d really love to get. No slippers, pajamas or fruitcakes this year if you become a PCH $7,000 A Week For Life winner. (Although I actually like fruitcakes.)
You Could Celebrate the Holidays With Everyone there!
Are there family and friends you’d LOVE to see this time of year … but they live miles away? If you win $7,000 A Week For Life in days, you could afford to fly them all in, have limos pick them up at the airport and put them up at nearby hotels if there’s no room left at your house. Imagine the happy faces of the family and friends you love at the biggest, best holiday party ever!
You Could Rip Up Your Holiday “Budget”!
After covering the “fixed” expenses — groceries, rent, utilities, gas, car payments and everything else — there’s often not much cash left over for making merry. But there would be plenty of money to spend THIS year if you win $7,000 A Week For Life in days. You could splurge on expensive gifts, gourmet food, cases of champagne, airline tickets and Christmas finery to your heart’s content, without a single “Can I afford it?” thought.
You Could Make the Holiday Brighter for Those in Need!
This beautiful season is all about giving, and if you win a big PCH SuperPrize in days, you could share your good fortune as you’ve always wanted to. Give generously to your favorite charity; deliver toys, warm clothes and food to a nearby shelter, nursing home or VA hospital — or even play “Secret Santa” and slip envelopes of cash into the mail slots of people you have a hunch could use it.
Just Hours Left to Go For Your Shot At the Best Holiday Season Ever!
Tonight, at the stroke of 11:59 PM EST, we can no longer accept entries to win $7,000 A Week For Life this Friday. So what are you waiting for? Get busy and send in as many entries as possible up to the last moment, because you never know which one could prove to be the match for the winning number.
(And just to note: if we find out that the matching winning number has not been returned on time, we’ll hold a second chance random drawing among all timely eligible entries and STILL deliver a BIG One Million Dollar prize to a lucky winner this Friday — guaranteed).
Here’s wishing every one of you a happy, healthy holiday … and a New Year rich with happy surprises!
PCH Creative