What Else Would You Like to See on the PCH Blog?

Hey there, friends and fans!
Did you know that you’re one of the best parts of my job? Between seeing the incredible Winning Moments and reading your super enthusiastic comments on the PCH Blog, it’s so rewarding to see our incredible fans like you in action!
Since we’ve got an abundance of highly engaged fans, we’ve got a question for you. What else would you like to see on the PCH Blog? We post blogs almost every day (usually twice!), so what content do you want to be reading from PCH?
Are you looking for more information on our SuperPrize, currently $25,000.00 A Month For Life? We post a lot about it because there’s SO MUCH to say. Between posts about how to spend all of that money and how to get in to win, I think we’ve got the essentials covered, but what more would you like to know?
Maybe you’re more interested in hearing about the goings on at PCH! After all, we give away more than just our SuperPrize: In fact, as of May 1st, we’ve officially awarded over $433 MILLION since we started giving away money! Between the multiple millionaire-making prizes at PCHlotto, exclusive prizes for VIPs and VIP Elites, and special events, it seems like there’s always another major winner right around the corner!
Of course, one of the best ways to keep track of what’s happening at PCH is the monthly calendar that my friend Tina P. puts together! But if there are any other prizes you want to hear about, let us know in the comments below!
There’s more going on at PCH than just sweepstakes. We’ve also got great products at great prices, which you can read all about in Jane M.’s merchandise posts! While no purchase is necessary to enter our sweepstakes, the selection of products you can buy is not to be ignored!
One of the best aspects of the PCHBlog is checking in with past winners, something Matt K has got down! Especially with amazing recent winners like Crystal Crawford, who is so inspiring and lovely, keeping up with them is like catching up with an old friend. And then of course we post about some of our monthly winners for smaller prizes — has your name ever appeared on that list?
But ultimately, we want to hear what YOU want on the PCH Blog! Are you looking for the motivation to enter every day? Or do you want to hear more behind-the-scenes info about the Prize Patrol, PCH employees, or events here at headquarters? Perhaps you’re even reading the PCH Blog for my theatre recommendations (Hadestown is going to be this season’s biggest hit) or pop culture references (and if so, you flatter me)!
Whatever it is you want, tell me more, tell me more (was it love at first sight?) by writing it in the comments below!
Will F.
PCH Creative