What Word Do You Think Of When You Think Of Publishers Clearing House?

We’re dying to get your answer to THIS question!
Today we thought we would play a little game of “word association” with our fans out there. Are you ready? What word do you think of when you think of Publishers Clearing House? Please tell us the first word that comes to mind in the comments below! I thought I would give you a little help to get you started, along with some exciting PCH facts!
Would your word be “GENEROUS”?
THAT WORD WOULD BE CORRECT: You know about all the real PCH prizes we’ve actually awarded over the years — an astonishing $449,000,000.00 to date. If giving away so much money to folks who’ve entered for FREE isn’t GENEROUS, I don’t know what is. (And by the way, Publishers Clearing House is GENEROUS in lots of other ways, too. Marlo Thomas, the National Outreach Director for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, just told us so! Check out this video!
How about the word “INSPIRING”?
WE HOPE SO! If you’ve been reading the INSPIRING winners’ stories in our PCH Blogs … and watched our PCH “Winning Moment” videos on TV — you know that wonderful, real, determined people can make their dreams come true, just by keeping the faith and entering at PCH every chance they get.
Would you describe PCH as REAL?
YAY! YOU’RE AHEAD OF THE CURVE! You’ve been paying attention and realize that PCH is the “REAL Deal,” giving away life-changing real PCH prizes exactly as we advertise, and never ever charging one cent or requiring a purchase to enter to WIN. We’ve been in the Sweeps “biz” for decades – and THAT wouldn’t be possible unless we were absolutely real, up-front and on-the-level.
Maybe the word AMERICAN comes to mind.
FOR SURE! Publishers Clearing House was “born” in Nassau County, NY, U.S.A. in 1953, and there we’ve stayed for over 65 years. Our Prize Patrol has been delivering real American PCH prizes to real-live American winners for decades, from Happy Valley, Oregon to Wilmington, North Carolina and everywhere in between. We are PCH, your All-American Yankee Doodle Sweepstakes.
What OTHER words do you think of when you think of Publishers Clearing House?
Could be that your PCH word is AMAZING … or EXCITING … or FAMOUS. (If, by any regrettable chance, you’re tempted to write “FAKE” – I implore you to re-read my “REAL” paragraph above.)
Write your PCH words below — and be sure you do THIS:
And THAT, of course, is to start entering to win at Publishers Clearing House NOW, tomorrow and every day. We’ve got a very exciting Prize Event just around the corner on October 25 — when we’re scheduled to award a HUGE $1,000.00 A Day For Life prize! Be sure to get your entries in by October 22. We’ll be taking a special early look to see if the matching winning number has been returned on time. If not, we’ll definitely award a $1,000,000.00 base prize to an alternate winner in a random drawing.
Someone is going to become another PCH Millionaire on October 25, guaranteed. If you want that lucky person to be YOU, show us – and enter now!
Your faithful PCH Blog lady,