#WinnerWednesday: These PCH Prize Winners Won’t Give Up!

Sometimes it takes baby steps to become a PCH winner!
Little babies are persistent, aren’t they? When they learn to walk, they take a few steps … fall down … and then get back on their feet again!
Persistence pays off for little ones … and it also pays off for fans and friends of Publishers Clearing House, who have entered and won smaller PCH prizes.
These PCH prize winners didn’t win a million dollars … they weren’t featured on TV holding big checks … and they didn’t receive a visit from the Prize Patrol. Instead, they won some fabulous smaller prizes from Publishers Clearing House, and when given the opportunity to comment on our #WinnerWednesday PCH blog posts, they were thrilled to share their “winning moments” with you!
Kelly L.won $1,000 playing the PCH game “Pie Toss” on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook in November 2018 (the Facebook post congratulating her is above). “I was so shocked and excited,”Kelly says, “I will never forget my winning moment.”
Kelly adds, “I’ve been telling my family since 1989 that someday the Prize Patrol will bring us a big check. I’ve been entering through the mail since 1989 and then through the site since about 2001. I am a VIP Elite. I enter daily on pch.com and PCHloto as well as using the app when I have the chance and even gave Keno a shot. PCH has become part of my day.”
Summer S. comments on the blog, “I stuck in it to win it, and I WON $20!! Thanks, PCH, I hope this is the beginning of my winning streak.”
Summer tells us she’s been entering the PCH Sweeps on PCH.com as well as enjoying our scratchers and instant win games since the beginning of this year, and she’s thrilled that she’s already won a prize.
Jonathan H. says, “I’ve won several smaller prizes as well!!! I won’t give up either; I’ve been entering going on 5 years now. Hoping to one day meet the Prize Patrol … in It to win it.”
Tiffany D.writes, “I received a ten dollar check as well. To many, it’s not much, but for me it sure helped me out at that time. It’s amazing how even small prizes can make a difference.”
Fans and friends, take a tip from these determined folks – persistence does pay off! Whatever you do, DON’T GIVE UP! Enter the PCH Sweeps every day in every way you can!
Take baby steps, and if at first you don’t succeed, try again! Because one day you could be walking into the bank to cash a PCH check … or even better, running outside and jumping for joy at the sight of the Prize Patrol at your front door!
Good luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Have YOU won a PCH prize in any amount? Comment below and let us know about it!