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Do You Believe In Guardian Angels? Tell Us What You Think!

Guardian Angels

A few weeks ago I asked you whether or not you believe in miracles.

I loved the enthusiastic response! Some of you shared some very touching personal stories about miracles big and small in your lives. Now I’m curious about another topic that I hope you can give me some feedback on. The topic for today is guardian angels!

Yes, I’m sure there are lots of skeptics out there on this very subject, but a survey of 1,700 Americans by the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion found that 55 percent believed that they had been “protected from harm by a guardian angel”, as reported in Time magazine.

Angels have been with us in pop culture since antiquity, no matter what the country or the religion. There are angels in Buddhism, Hinduism, on ancient carvings and in Egyptian tombs. In this country, 5 out of 10 religious books on the best-seller list were about angels back in 1993, and the most popular Broadway show was Tony Kushner’s “Angels in America”. And how many of you remember the hit TV show “Touched By An Angel” starring Della Reese? It had a loyal following and a successful run for 9 seasons!

Although there is no hard evidence to prove their existence, angels are mentioned many times in the Bible, and we have all heard countless anecdotes from people in real life, who report celestial beings having touched their lives in miraculous ways when they were in desperate need of help. In the end I guess it all boils down to a question of faith and beliefs, and our own personal experiences.

There are many who believe that each one of us has our own individual guardian angel, protecting us from harm and guiding us. Lots of books, articles and various websites on the subject of angels tell of ordinary people who were visited by these guardians at their darkest hours for an extraordinary experience they will never forget. The stories are fascinating, including some that talk about helpful strangers who appeared out of the blue during a crisis and then suddenly disappeared.

So tell us…do you believe in angels or have you ever had an angel experience yourself? Who knows, maybe you’ve dreamed about Danielle Lam, Todd Sloane and Dave Sayer of the PCH Prize Patrol arriving at your house to deliver a big prize wearing wings! No matter what your beliefs, please don’t give up on your dreams, and please keep the faith. Keep on entering every chance you get for a shot at winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!

Jane M.

PCH Creative Department

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  1. Yes I believe in faith, I lost my husband last June I am so far in debt but I keep praying someday I will win. I am way pass the red diamond but I keep playing.

  2. Always keep the faith, God is always with you!

    I have lost my first husband at the age of 37 with a malignant brain tumor, and I had two small children. He was diagnosed in October 1996 and passed in February 1997. Ironically, a few years later, my mother was diagnosed with the same brain tumor. We were fortunate that she lasted longer. Going through that experience I never lost faith. I never stop praying for a miracle. I never got my miracle, but I still believe in them.?