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Want to Be a PCH Millionaire? Claim Your Free Daily Entries!

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky said that about hockey, but it also works for when you’re trying to win the SuperPrize. In other words, if you want to be a PCH Millionaire, you need to enter first. After all, if you don’t enter, how can you win?

And getting in more entries means more chances to win. You can start by claiming your Free Daily Entry for the PCH SuperPrize. We’re awarding $2,500.00 A Week For Life in just 10 short days! And you still have time to get your entries in. Taking a minute out of your day to do this could make you rich for the rest of your life! This prize is guaranteed, so someone will definitely win! Why not you?

Your face when you see all the ways you can enter today!

It’s even better to use all of our PCH sites. It doesn’t take a lot of time either! It could be making PCH part of your morning routine, or just playing our games when you’re bored. It all adds up, giving you more opportunities to win!

Do you read the news on PCHfrontpage when you wake up? How about playing PCHgames on your downtime? Do you use PCHSearch&Win to look up the weather in the morning?

Taking every chance to enter is the first step to becoming a PCH Millionaire. Make it a habit to enter every day and in every way.

It all adds up to get more entries for the PCH SuperPrize, as well as giving you more chances to win prizes and score tokens! No matter how you enter, it’s important to enter as much as you can and as often as you can.

So how do you like to get your Free Daily Entries? What PCH sites are your favorites? Let us know in the comments!

Rebecca M.
PCH Creative

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  1. I have been playing a long time and would ❤ to be a Pch millionaire it really would be unbelievable a dream come true can’t wait am in it to win . Am Just waiting for my turn I know it’s going to happen because dreams do come true I believe this.

  2. Yes I would love to have that super prize an be a millionaire me an my wife would really be bless if I could just see that prize patrol pull up to 604 old Dixie I really wouldn’t no what to do or say

  3. That’s a good question? Which sight do I like best were my entries are claimed! Huh, wow I don’t know, what I like more than the other to be honest! I believe from dedicating my time to PCH that I will figure it all out one of these days!! PCH sights are a part of my day and they all are very satisfying and have become my happy place! I do know pchlotto is a must, so I just complete all my lotto cards and I hope that’s not the only way to win, cuz matching numbers seems impossible! So I let pch direct me to my next entry! I honestly enjoy all of PCH and the sight it offers! I want to thank the whole PCs team for making it possible for me to dream big and Forever for a lifetime and I won’t stop believing!! I just pray that PCH believes in me and one day I get to meet the prize patrol
    Team! I feel like I already know them! Lol
    Good luck to everyone and God bless?

    1. Hello Carol, Thank you for contacting PCH. In order for us to assist you with your question we will need a bit more information. We kindly ask that you contact us by phone at your convenience. Our customer service representatives may be reached at between Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 11 PM & Saturday 8:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. We look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hello Carol, Thank you for contacting PCH. In order for us to assist you with your question we will need a bit more information. We kindly ask that you contact us by phone at your convenience. Our customer service representatives may be reached at between Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 11 PM & Saturday 8:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. We look forward to hearing from you.

  4. My 10 chance to win $1,00.00.00 in just A week Pch GWY No.# 19817 and Win $20,000.00 in just week 19580 Claim my entry to win $10,000.00 in just a Day pch Gwy no. 19579 win A Ford F-150 lightingXLT in just a Day 19006 on June 22-2022 InItToWinIt make my Dream come true keep my faith that one of there Supperprize bring me joy and happiness