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What’s the Publishers Clearing House Record of Deposit?

The Publishers Clearing House Record of Deposit Bulletin in the mail is a notification that a number has been deposited on the Winner Selection List — the list of all timely eligible entries we’ll look to when we take a special early look for the winning number.  Hey Blog Readers, What kind of records would you […]

Have You Received a PCH Package that says Final Step Required?

Find out what it means to be in “Complete Compliance” if you received a Publishers Clearing House package in the mail that says Final Step Required by reading my important message below! Hey Blog Readers, I’ve heard from a lot of you that you don’t receive Publishers Clearing House packages in the mail.  Well, the […]

Did You Receive A Publishers Clearing House Progress Report?

If you received a Publishers Clearing House Progress Report Bulletin in the mail, read on to find out what it means! Hey Blog Readers, Do you remember getting Progress Reports back when you went to school? Oh boy, would they grade you on everything! From Science and Math to Reading and Writing…even to how well […]

What’s The Winning Number Found Report?

The Winning Number Found Report is where you want your Prize Number to be on drawing day! Recently, you may have gotten a Publishers Clearing House package in the mail with a red label like this: (If you haven’t received this package, don’t stop reading — I’ll tell you why in a minute!) Inside you’ll find […]

Win Instant Cash With PCH Scratch Cards At The NEW!

Have you seen it blog readers? has had a major makeover with a hot new look and even more exciting PCH scratch cards for you to enjoy! Take a look at her before and after photos: (Before) (After) At first glance, you may be enamored by her sleek new color palette, but, as you […]

Wondering How to File Your Taxes? PCHTips Makes Taxes Less Taxing!

Make way for Tax Day, blog readers — April 15th is coming up fast, so it’s time for most of us to roll up our sleeves and really crunch those numbers!  But before you spend hours trying to figure out how to file your taxes, let me help put the fun back into the FUNdamentals […]