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How Would $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life Change Your Life? Here’s 10 Ways How!

How Would $1 Million PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life Change Your Life? Here’s 10 Ways How!

How many of you have ever sat there, surrounded by a pile of bills or in sight of something new that you’ve wanted and thought “man, I wish I had some extra cash right now.” Let me tell you, fans, I’ve been there more than once. Life can get pretty expensive at times and we’ve […]

Find That “Golden Nest Egg” With Publishers Clearing House!

Hello Blog Readers! Can you believe Easter has come and gone!? I hope you all had an amazing holiday filled with friends, family and good food! Easter has become such a great tradition for so many families all over the country that I thought today would be a great time to reflect on all the […]

Think You Were Contacted By A Scammer?

If you think you were contacted by a scammer claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House, please read this blog for important information, then report it using our online scam form. Every day we strive to make sure that all of our fans have a fun, enjoyable and safe experience anytime they interact with Publishers […]

TODAY Is The Deadline To Enter To Win the “Forever” Prize!

Greeting Fans! Everyone here at the Publishers Clearing House headquarters is buzzing with excitement! Do you know why? Well, you all know how we love making our fans big winners, so I am excited to tell you that we are just a WEEK away from our August 31st Special Early Look Prize Event. That’s right, […]

Ever Dream Of Being Debt Free?

Hello PCH fans! Bills, bills, bills and more bills! Ever wish you had all the money you needed to pay off your debt and still live a fun-filled life? Imagine the luxury of not having to worry about utility bills, credit card bills, phone bills and all of the other daily expenses of life! Sounds […]

What’s Your Dream Vacation? You Could Win It From PCH!

Hello PCH fans! Can you believe that it’s almost August already? This summer is flying by way faster than I would like, and soon we’ll be trading hot and lazy summer days for crisp colors and cooler weather. So folks, it’s time to enjoy the remaining beach and pool days — and time to make […]