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#WinnerWednesday: If You Didn’t Win The PCH SuperPrize, Read This!

Greetings, fans and friends – and Happy #WinnerWednesday! Last Friday, PCH awarded the life-changing SuperPrize of $5,000 A Week “Forever” to Jo-Ann Snyder of Wilkes-Barre, PA. While we’re all thrilled for our latest PCH winner, chances are you may be a bit disappointed that this amazing prize didn’t go to you. Well, fans and friends, don’t […]

A Big PCH Winner Shares Her SuperPrize Experience!

Today is the BIG DAY! I hope you’re following the Prize Patrol to see who we surprise. The big award days always take me back to my own “BIG DAY” – August 27th, 2008. I have to tell you, it was pretty hectic for me that morning. Maybe because I knew that someone would win […]

Former Publishers Clearing House Winner Prepares to Deliver Brand New $1 Million SuperPrize

I left my home in Toldeo, Ohio yesterday to deliver some of the best news anyone could possibly receive – the news that one lucky person just won a $1 Million SuperPrize from Publishers Clearing House! Before I tell you how I got to this point, let me first back up a little bit. My […]

A Life-Changing Moment: Inside the Delivery of the 2024 $15 Million SuperPrize

Cameras rolling, anticipation building—we stood at Frances’ doorstep on April 30th, ready to capture the moment her life would change forever. With the promise of a $15 Million SuperPrize in hand, we knew we were about to witness something extraordinary. Join us as we recount the unforgettable moment when Frances became our recent winner and […]

Does PCH Notify Winners Before Showing Up at the Door? NO!

Hello, PCH fans and friends! We want to remind you of an important thing to remember about WINNING BIG. “Is This for Real?” Let’s say you’re sitting in front of the TV after a long day, taking it easy watching your favorite show, when the phone rings. You look down at the caller ID and […]

Become One the Biggest PCH Online Sweepstakes Winners Ever!

Want to be one of the biggest PCH sweepstakes winners in history? Then you are going to want to make sure that you enter our latest giveaway! Fans of Publishers Clearing House and online sweepstakes of all kinds know that we are constantly doling out bonuses, rewards, and cash prizes of all sizes. But we […]