Hey there, friends and fans! Happy Independence Day! Let’s play a little game: I want you to close your eyes and imagine all the money in your bank account. Good? Now I want you to add $1,000.00 to it. Neat, right? Now do it again. And again. And again! Keep going! Why? Because that’s exactly […]
It happened! We just announced our big winner of $1,000,000.00 Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life! If you didn’t see it happen live during our PCH Pay Day livestream on the PCH fan page on Facebook, stop by the page right now and see the moment for yourself! But the winning doesn’t end there, because […]
It’s here, everyone – the last day to enter to Win $1,000.00 a day For Life. After today, it’s kaput – you won’t get any more entry opportunities to win this SuperPrize, so make sure you’re entered! Since today is deadline day, that means the SuperPrize award date is just a few days away! That’s […]
When it comes to deadlines, are you a procrastinator? Or are you more of an early bird? Even when you have loads of time to get something done, do you always wait until the last minute? Or do you like to get things done right away and “off your plate” so you don’t have to […]
I want you all to take a walk down memory lane today and see if you can recall your very first paycheck. Can you remember your first job, and how it felt to get that first check with your name on it, money YOU earned, money that opened up a whole new world of possibilities […]
Payday. We can’t wait for it, but all too often, it’s not that exciting. For many, this anticipated moment comes once a week or once every two weeks … but what if EVERYDAY COULD BE PAYDAY? Well it can with our newest PCH SuperPrize, where you could win $1,000.00 A Day For Life! Finally, a […]
Have you heard of the latest trend? It’s all about finding ways to live on just $10 a day. With the cost of living going up all the time, and payments for things like car loans, mortgages and medical bills getting in the way, that seems nearly impossible! It sure would call for making some […]
I know, I know … if you win our Special Early Look event on October 13th, you’d have NO trouble figuring out how to spend $1,000 checks arriving each and every day for life! But! Just for fun and to get you really thinking about winning all that money — and to inspire you to […]
“I think I’ll get myself a nice new wardrobe today, then I’ll go to Thailand for lunch.” Can you imagine what it would be like to say that? That would sure be something, wouldn’t it? If you had $1,000.00 in your pocket, you’d have a lot of options of how to spend your day, right? […]