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Article Tags: $5000 every week for life

Last Updated: March 21, 2012

Recently, I was driving my daughter and some friends to play practice when I heard the following exchange in the back of the minivan: Friend #1: What is this music? Friend #2 It’s TERRIBLE! My Daughter: Oh, yeah, that’s just my mom’s lame old-time music! Lame? Old-time? The radio station I was listening to plays […]

Last Updated: September 22, 2011

Hey, Psssst. I just received some BREAKING NEWS I need to share with you! Publishers Clearing House is no longer giving you just the opportunity to win $5,OOO.OO Every Week For Life.  In true PCH-style, we’ve decided to up the ante! Go to now and YOU can enter to become the winner of our […]

Last Updated: August 3, 2011

Publishers Clearing House wants to know if you’d like to win $5,000.00 Every Week for Life! You might ask if I’m kidding, and in a way I am, because who wouldn’t want to win an amazing, life-changing PCH SuperPrize like that? But, what I’m NOT kidding about is that you really COULD win $5,000.00 Every […]

Last Updated: July 26, 2011

PCH offers consumers value, variety and convenience! Always has. Always will. And, we’ve been doing that, so far, for 58 years! Wow. Can you believe it? That means entire generations have grown up with Publishers Clearing House – from “boomers” to “millennials.” I don’t think there’s anyone out there who hasn’t heard of PCH in […]

Last Updated: July 14, 2011

PCHlotto wants this to be your winning inning! And, the bases are loaded so you better get to now! Get this – when you play all 5 PCHlotto cards, you could win cash and prizes instantly with this month’s Bases Loaded Scratch Card! $5,000.00 in instant win prizes are scheduled to be awarded by […]