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The Month Is Almost Over. How Are Your News Year’s Resolutions Going?

The Month Is Almost Over. How Are Your News Year’s Resolutions Going?

Yep, it’s almost February … time for a progress check! Just for fun, I’ve prepared a little quiz, with some of the most common New Year’s resolutions folks make on January 1st. ANSWER “YES” OR “NO” TO HOW YOUR RESOLUTIONS ARE GOING SO FAR: MAKE SURE THAT YOU ANSWER THIS ONE: How’d you do?  Look: […]

What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner! 2017 is almost over, and we’re all about to start fresh in the new year: 2018. Isn’t it exciting?! You know what else is exciting? The Prize Patrol could award you $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” on February 23rd, 2018! Yes, you could win the PCH Sweepstakes in […]