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“Lucky” The PCH Big Check will make someone a Millionaire tomorrow!

Lucky the Big Check

Hello, my friends … the exciting day is almost here!

Tomorrow, April 30th, the Prize Patrol will wrap me — Lucky, the debonair PCH Big Check — in craft paper and escort me to the home of our newest millionaire! The TV cameras will be rolling to capture the dear winner’s joy at seeing ME – with his or her name written on my handsome face!

WHO is that winner, you ask?  I am sworn to secrecy – even enduring strips of itchy masking tape on my face to hide that fortunate person’s name.

Tomorrow, you will definitely find out – just be sure to pay visits to our PCH Fan Page on Facebook for behind-the-scenes videos and hints leading right up to the winner announcement – and the exciting Winning Moment video. I have word that there will also be hints and clues posted here on this blog, too!

Dave, Todd and Danielle , my Prize Patrol pals, say that I’m like a kid on his birthday, I get so excited on the day before we deliver a BIG prize!

And why not?  It’s at big Prize Events like tomorrow that I get to bask in the spotlight as the suave white-and-green star that I am. And when I think of the joy and admiration on the winner’s face … it’s just … (sniff) — mustn’t choke up or my ink will run.

(Be honest: do I sound the slightest bit vain to you?)

Lucky Big Check In MIrror

So I hope you’ll watch my big close-up tomorrow – or maybe even MEET me face-to-face if you’re our winner. I don’t kid myself: if not for cherished fans like you, I’d be just another piece of poster board in the Staples sale bin – instead of a star!

Until tomorrow ….

The PCH Big Check

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  1. Hello this is Kenneth, I am the VIP elite I am just imagining the things that I could do with me and my family, I have hoped for years that I would win one day and I hope it is my turn I am getting older and trying to get healthier so I could enjoy if I am chosen I finished my treatments two week ago and now I have a bad cold I do not enjoy being sick finding out I have Cancer was enough I will know if it was successful in April.


  3. Hey PCH is this the lucky check page where you win I sure hope so I claim ownership of 70000 a week in October 2022 I claim ownership #190000iclaim all #Winnnertakesallihave faith still in it to win it come to South Carolina Prize Patrol please ? please ? blessings in disguise I believe coming my way!

  4. Hey Lucky I am LindA way down south in LA If I would see you I would for the first time consider myself lucky If I’m your winner and you come to LA for your sake leave the suit behind wear casual cottons if possible I will be hoping hey on down!!!

  5. I just keep pushing myself to the fullest because I know when I don’t give up on something it’s cuz it’s real and I dream to achieve it ..
    I love the inspiration and hopes that I get from pch really pushes me more but then u do think to urself is this really real or what or just messing with my head..well bot sure till it happens to me one day cuz i do have a strong faith and can feel it in my gutt..
    God never has me do something I can’t handle..