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What’s Your PCH “Winner Nickname”? Play This Fun Game!

Greetings, fans and friends,

Do you have a nickname? I’ve had a few over the years, like “Frog,” “Cricket,” “Little Debbie Snack Cakes” and “Debbie Cup-O-Soup,” and I’ve given nicknames to my two daughters; one is “Honey” and the other is “The Baby” (even though “The Baby” is now 22).

So, when I heard that PCH was promoting a new prize event – $1,000 A Day For Life – I thought it would be fun for all you fans and friends to play a PCH SuperPrize Winner Nickname game – even if you haven’t won … yet!

If you were to win a PCH SuperPrize, what would your winner nickname be? Take a look at the chart above. Choose your birth month from the left column and your favorite color from the right column to find out.

So, what’s YOUR Winner Nickname? Tell me in the comments below! I can’t wait to see all the fun combinations. You can even make up your own. And feel free to tell me what your personal nickname is, too! I have a feeling the Comments section below is going to make for some interesting reading!

Hey, whatever name you may call our next SuperPrize winner by, one thing’s for certain – that person will truly be blessed with a financial windfall! And – you never know – with $1,000.00 A Day For Life ready to be awarded on October 31st, we just may be calling you “Bling-Bling Bucks Galore” or “Fat Cat Superstar” very soon!

Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. If an entry with the matching number is not returned on time, $1,000,000.00 is guaranteed to be awarded to an alternate winner in a second chance drawing. So be sure to get your entries in, because someone will definitely win a big cash prize on 10/31!

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  1. Well PCH ???
    Really my winner Nick name would be ,

  2. Debbie! Hope that this message finds you in perfect health, positive spirits, and joy. This is such a fun game and happy that I found it today (last day of my entering). Paul G$$$ here, my Special Winner Nickname IS SuperPrizePaul and/or SuperPrize Paulie and/or SuperPaul of the SuperPrize! (heheh, hey I even bought a matching Prize Day shirt that matches Danielle’s NEW Uniform!! Always knew and must be coming.)

    Also, according to the chart- Paul G$$$ Winner Nickname is MOOLAH SUPERSTAR. Hip-hip-hooooray! See you guys very soon (I will be ready to make it a great moment for ALL! So much good :,,)