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Free Chances to Win Money? Get Yours Here!

Free Chances to Win Money? Get Yours Here!

Hey there, friends and fans, blog readers old and new! What’s your favorite saying about opportunity? “Aim for the stars?” “The early bird catches the worm?” “When one door shuts, another opens?” In a musical I hold very near and dear, Into the Woods, Cinderella says, “Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor,” and that’s one […]

Get in to Win Over $1 Million for Your Dream Home!

Get in to Win Over $1 Million for Your Dream Home!

Hey there, friends and fans! What does your dream home look like? Is it a large cabin in a secluded wood, complete with a lakeside view and a firepit for summer night barbecues? Or maybe it’s a glass modern mansion stacked with terraces and a saltwater pool? Perhaps it’s your current home, knocked down and […]

What Have You Searched For Today?

What Have You Searched For Today?

Hey there, friends and fans! What have you searched for online today? Did you look up the weather before your morning walk? Or a restaurant menu in preparation of this evening’s meal? Movie showtimes for this weekend? Some of my recent internet searches include “horoscope memes,” “how to watch Keeping Up Appearances,” and “what is […]

What Would You Do…Just Because You Can?

What Would You Do…Just Because You Can?

Hey there, friends and fans! Are you ready for the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize to be awarded TOMORROW? That’s $5,000.00 a week for life for the winner, followed by those same weekly payments continuing on to someone of the winner’s choosing! With such a huge prize coming up, have you given any thought to […]

Only HOURS Left! Did You Enter To Win Every Way You Can?

Only HOURS Left! Did You Enter To Win Every Way You Can?

Hey there, friends and fans! This is it, the final countdown — there are only hours left to get in to win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, GUARANTEED for award this Friday, February 28th! As a quick refresher, if you win the “Forever” prize, not only will you receive $5,000.00 a week for life, but after […]