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Looking for Pantry Recipes? Takeout/Delivery Near You? Try PCHSearch&Win!

Looking for Pantry Recipes? Takeout/Delivery Near You? Try PCHSearch&Win!

Hello friends and fans! What do you do when you’re stuck inside, and you don’t want to go to the grocery store … but you still want to eat something besides mac & cheese again? It’s time to use PCHSearch&Win to get some “out of the mac & cheese box” ideas! When you can’t go […]

Lights, Camera, Search&Win Event Starts TODAY!

Lights, Camera, Search&Win Event Starts TODAY!

Hey there, friends and fans! Even in times like these, it’s important to “always look on the bright side of life,” as Monty Python would tell us! We will get through these trying times together…and PCH is looking to make that a little easier for the lucky winners of the Lights, Camera, Search&Win event — […]

What To Search For This April Using PCHsearch&win!

What To Search For This April Using PCHsearch&win!

April is upon on us my fellow blog readers — Spring has finally sprung! The weather is warming up and I’m thinking about summer more and more as it creeps near. April always makes me think about spring cleaning, gardening and flowers. I know a lot of people are home right now and some people […]

What Have You Searched For Today?

What Have You Searched For Today?

Hey there, friends and fans! What have you searched for online today? Did you look up the weather before your morning walk? Or a restaurant menu in preparation of this evening’s meal? Movie showtimes for this weekend? Some of my recent internet searches include “horoscope memes,” “how to watch Keeping Up Appearances,” and “what is […]

What to Search for This Month at PCHSearch&Win!

What to Search for This Month at PCHSearch&Win!

Hey there friends and friends! As you probably already know, this month PCH will be awarding the $5,OOO.OO A Week “Forever” Prize — that’s $5,OOO.OO a week for the life of a winner, followed by those same payments continuing on to someone of the winner’s choosing! And YOU can get in to win right now […]