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Who is the August 28th PCH SuperPrize Winner? Follow These Clues!

Some people find the holidays the “happiest time of the year,” but for us it’s SUPERPRIZE DAYS! And today, my friends, is another BIG SuperPrize day! Yes folks, the August 28th PCH SuperPrize event is finally here, and we can hardly contain our excitement! We LOVE giving away those Big Checks, especially when they are […]

What Flowers Would You Like to Get If You Won the SuperPrize?

Greetings, fans and friends! Do you love watching Publishers Clearing House “Winning Moments” videos as much as I do? I get such a thrill seeing our winners scream in disbelief and jump for joy when the Prize Patrol arrives at their doors bearing the Big Check, champagne and roses. It’s a PCH tradition to award a […]

Cash Windfall for PCH $1 Million SuperPrize Winner in Washington!

June 30th, a day the PCH Prize Patrol had been anticipating for months finally arrived!  When I found out we had a winner in Washington State near Mount St. Helen’s, I was thrilled since I’ve never been there. But would that excitement translate to a smooth prize delivery? As you’ll see, we experienced some bumps […]

Will Lucky, The PCH Big Check Reveal The April 30th Prize Event Winner?

Blog readers, This is serious!  Just recently, Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check, was questioned about who our Big SuperPrize Event Winner will be on April 30th! And our “hidden” cameras caught the footage for you to see! Will he bounce under pressure and be held ACCOUNTable for revealing the name of our Winner?  Find out […]

What Would Your Dreams Be If You Won the PCH SuperPrize?

Greetings, all you dreamers out there! Today I want to hear about all of you — what your hopes and wishes are, and what your dreams would be if YOU won the PCH SuperPrize. Here is a little poem I wrote for all of you. What are your dreams? That’s what I ask you. What […]

Keep The Faith — Another Big Prize Event is Around The Corner!

Hey there loyal fans! Looks like spring has finally sprung! This time of year always reminds me of new beginnings, when the world seems to come alive after a long and dreary winter. The colors, sights, sounds, and even the air, feel fresh and new. Could be there’s a new sense of hope out there, […]